Originally Posted by orangeblooded2
Seemed willing to listen to alternative measures on health care. Stating if you have a better ideal show me.
** what a crock. He doesn't want anything but a public option. Moreover, his base assumption that a government solution is necessary makes him unqualified to be even a dumbass senator, much less president. **
Promised tax credits on small business who invest in equipment or who hire new employees. To eliminate the Capital gains tax for companies.
**. Senseless, since his FED and FDIC have removed all credit from the market. Nobody's making capital investment, to include real hiring. **
Said he was issuing a executive order, were the senate had failed to create a bipartisan commission on job creation.
**. Great. Another horeshat DC circle jerk **
Dared the opposition to create a culture of a needing super majority to pass anything.
** if you're dumb enough to buy any comments from this uberliberal clown regarding bipartisanship, you deserve him. **
Mocked the opposition when he stated that the proposed Budget freeze would start next year (after snickers) said that's how budgeting works.
** says the moron that gave us stimulus. Forgive everyone if they don't buy his garbage budget talk as he's cruising to a 1.35 trillion deficit next year. **
Taking it upon his self to meet with the republican caucus every month.
** hook us up with those meeting notes. Best I've heard, he gloats about being president. Productivity at its finest. next meeting he has that isn't lipservice with be his first. **
Absolutely skewered Washington's political culture. stating that he was talking to both parties (with some noticeable miffedness) when he did so.
see **
as to the last point, MFing please. he's a product of that idiotic culture. The clown has voted kneejerk liberal at every turn. GTFO.
If you were a senator. I would say you were the perfect example of whats wrong with Washington.