The System aka Bryce Brown for $40 and a blonde

Again your inference was wrong. No where did I say or imply Bama was involved.

What I stated was that when people think of paying players and the SEC the two names that come up are Bama & the Barn due to their past indiscretions.

The scenario that $$s could be made before an offer of a scholarship was made to refute your error that . I would consider you extremely naïve if you thought this scenario could not happen.

Now go take your meds, paranoid.

You are slinking away very nicely.
Again your inference was wrong. No where did I say or imply Bama was involved.

What I stated was that when people think of paying players and the SEC the two names that come up are Bama & the Barn due to their past indiscretions.

The scenario that $$s could be made before an offer of a scholarship was made to refute your error that . I would consider you extremely naïve if you thought this scenario could not happen.

Now go take your meds, paranoid.

You are slinking away very nicely.

WillisWG does bring up a good point. What would stop school xx from offering $$ prior to offering a schollie? It could go something like, "Hey, come play for us, we'll give you a full ride, and we'll offer up x amount of $$ for your signed LOI." "BTW, nobody needs to know about this and we'll work out the schollie offer later."
lol. . says the guy who had his "LSU & Auburn only option" argument stuff up his keyster

Let's pretend for a second that you didn't jump into this to bring up Bama's sordid past. We'll pretend that you really are arguing that it could happen at any number of schools. Here's why what you're suggesting is moronic and would never happen:

School A offers the number 1 WR in the country 600k to come play, but no schollie. WR doesn't want to get involved in that shadiness and says "No thanks." School A sees no point in offering a scholarship because they aren't going to get the kid. This decision makes no sense, because it's not like schools have a limited number of offers they can make. But that's what the school decides, nonetheless.

As the recruiting process nears its peak, WR decides that his ethics aren't that important, and he goes back to School A and says "I want to play for you and I want the money." What can School A do? They can't refuse. If he gets pissed off, WR simply phones up Indy and the school gets to deal with the NCAA for months on end. Even if there is little proof, no program wants to deal with that. And if School A has a bad history, things could turn really sour really fast.

So now School A is offering a scholarship to the top rated receiver in the nation shortly before NSD. And then WR picks School A! So now you have the staffs of other big schools asking questions. Many of them had offers out to the kid by the time he turned 16, and they spent a ton of time and resources recruiting him for years. How can School A explain that they had enough questions about one of the nation's best recruits that they not only didn't pursue him, but they didn't offer a scholarship? And somehow he chose them anyway.

If they had simply thrown out an offer that costs them nothing, the school covers itself if the kid changes his mind.

So why did I say LSU and Auburn were the only options (though I mistakenly included Ole Miss, which was corrected shortly after)? Because they were the SEC schools, other than A&M who offered Seals-Jones a scholarship.

But maybe you're right. Maybe some staff at a major college program, maybe even Alabama, is collectively dumber than some dude posting on a sports forum.
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Let's pretend for a second that you didn't jump into this to bring up Bama's sordid past. We'll pretend that you really are arguing that it could happen at any number of schools. Here's why what you're suggesting is moronic and would never happen.

School A offers the number 1 WR in the country 600k to come play, but no schollie. WR doesn't want to get involved in that shadiness and says "No thanks." School A sees no point in offering a scholarship because they aren't going to get the kid. This decision makes no sense, because it's not like schools have a limited number of offers they can make. But that's what the school decides, nonetheless.

As the recruiting process nears its peak, WR decides that his ethics aren't that important, and he goes back the School A and says "I want to play for you and I want the money." What can School A do? They can't refuse. If he gets pissed off, WR simply phones up Indy and the school gets to deal with the NCAA for months on end. Even if there is little proof, no program wants to deal with that. And if School A has a bad history, things could turn really sour really fast.

So now School A is offering a scholarship to the top rated receiver in the nation shortly before NSD. And then WR picks School A! So now you have the staffs of other big schools asking questions. Many of them had offers out to the kid by the time he turned 16, and they spent a ton of time and resources recruiting him for years. How can School A explain that they had enough questions about one of the nation's best recruits that they not only didn't pursue him, but they didn't offer a scholarship? And somehow he chose them anyway.

If they had simply thrown out an offer that costs them nothing, the school covers itself if the kid changes his mind.

So why did I say LSU and Auburn were the only options (though I mistakenly included Ole Miss, which was corrected shortly after)? Because they were the SEC schools, other than A&M who offered Seals-Jones a scholarship.

But maybe you're right. Maybe some staff at a major college program, maybe even Alabama, is collectively dumber than some dude posting on a sports forum.

The Dad's statement that the $600K offer came from a SEC team means it could be any of the other 13 members of the conference since the kid is at A&M. Dad basically indicted the entire conference by not naming the culprit, be it staff or a booster.

If you want to assume that is has to be LSU, the Barn or Ole Piss just because they are the SEC schools that made scholarship offers is ok but to say they are the only options is really naïve of you.

Again I don't see the necessity of an offer of $$ and offer of scholarship going hand in hand. It isn't too farfetched a scenario where a booster makes an offer of $$ to a 5* player then approach a coach about a scholarship offer, especially to keep that 5* from going to a school in the same division and one that may have beaten them last year.
The Dad's statement that the $600K offer came from a SEC team means it could be any of the other 13 members of the conference since the kid is at A&M. Dad basically indicted the entire conference by not naming the culprit, be it staff or a booster.

If you want to assume that is has to be LSU, the Barn or Ole Piss just because they are the SEC schools that made scholarship offers is ok but to say they are the only options is really naïve of you.

Again I don't see the necessity of an offer of $$ and offer of scholarship going hand in hand. It isn't too farfetched a scenario where a booster makes an offer of $$ to a 5* player then approach a coach about a scholarship offer, especially to keep that 5* from going to a school in the same division and one that may have beaten them last year.

Boosters tend to know which recruits their favored program is after. While I will grant you that it's possible, it's HIGHLY unlikely that a booster would offer money to a kid that his school isn't at least kind of pursuing. I mean, that's unlikely bordering on ridiculous.
Boosters tend to know which recruits their favored program is after. While I will grant you that it's possible, it's HIGHLY unlikely that a booster would offer money to a kid that his school isn't at least kind of pursuing. I mean, that's unlikely bordering on ridiculous.

Well Bama boosters are famous for doing the ridiculous, I am sure you know what I Means.

And when is Bama NOT interested in a 5*WR especially when the kid has Bama down as a school of interest? That fact alone may have been enough for a booster to stray across your border of ridiculous.
Well Bama boosters are famous for doing the ridiculous, I am sure you know what I Means.

And when is Bama NOT interested in a 5*WR especially when the kid has Bama down as a school of interest? That fact alone may have been enough for a booster to stray across your border of ridiculous.

To your first point, Bama absolutely offered Means.

To your second, Bama didn't pursue Seals-Jones because we wanted Robert Foster more. His interest in Bama was not met in kind. In the age of recruiting sites, why would a booster pursue the wrong guy?
To your first point, Bama absolutely offered Means.

To your second, Bama didn't pursue Seals-Jones because we wanted Robert Foster more. His interest in Bama was not met in kind. In the age of recruiting sites, why would a booster pursue the wrong guy?

lol. . thanks for confirming what we already knew.

A Bama insider might know for a fact that Bama was not after Seals-Jones but sounds like you are using recruiting sites for your information. Recruiting sites update offers after one is made not before and the scenario provided was one where the offer of $$ was made before the offer of a scholarship. Nothing says one action must occur before the other does, unless there is some rule in the Bama Booster handbook. Cause we all know Bama booster follow the rules.

Again I have already stated a booster might pursue a 5* to keep him from going to a school in the same division and one that had beaten them the previous year. A scenario where a booster thinks he knows what the school needs are better than the Coach is not even close to being farfetched. Just read some of the VN threads on who the starting QB should be.

Again these scenarios were presented to refute your " LSU & Auburn only option" which they do. Since the dad only said another SEC team it could any of the other 13 members not just those who made scholarship offers.

My point is made but I get the impression your a last word type of guy, so go ahead but I am done.
My point is made but I get the impression your a last word type of guy, so go ahead but I am done.

There really wouldn't be any point. I can keep detailing the absurdity of your thought process, and you'll just come back with something more absurd.
Boosters tend to know which recruits their favored program is after. While I will grant you that it's possible, it's HIGHLY unlikely that a booster would offer money to a kid that his school isn't at least kind of pursuing. I mean, that's unlikely bordering on ridiculous.

Yeah, kind of like trying to subpoena an opposing coach during SEC media days, because you got caught cheating.

Or destroying a historic landmark on a rival's campus because they beat you.

Yeah, we know 'bama fans would never do anything "ridiculous".
Also there's 0% chance tthat Lacey didn't serve as a mattress as part of her official duties.

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