The temporary Vols baseball thread 2024 till Mexico gets through saving the world and can do the important VN work.

Come on tell me you don't feel the absolute azz whoopin happinin here. That double ball had voodolo when it hit the ground. Then a line drive. Now...this.
No, I’ve watched FSU hit ropes all over the field, but the defense has stood up. That and multiple base running blunders are the biggest difference in the game. Sechrist is throwing good, but there’s a lot of plays that are close to hits, and multiple bags at that
With that said I only pray games vs Florida should they make final..are equally as one sided and boring......meh 1 point.
There’s so much lack of baseball knowledge and especially college baseball… sorry to be mean, but my goodness this thread makes me cringe a lot. Fwiw and to be fair, the baseball forum threads are typically worse
If our posts are too baseball stupid for you, you do have your very own baseball thread…
BaseVols were shutting out the Sneezes before SNF began posting to this thread. Just sayin’…
I was having fun with the rest who have been posting to this thread since the beginning of the game. You joined later and started slinging shizzle. You go away.
Oh look, you’re wrong as usual lately. I’ve been here since the start too
Oh look, you’re wrong as usual lately. I’ve been here since the start too
The source of your animosity towards me is rooted in your deep insecurities. I’m a congenial guy who looks to like people, as I did you. You’re a deek who slings barbs at others to feel better about himself. It’s obvious. It’s sad. Snap out of it.

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