The temporary Vols baseball thread 2024 till Mexico gets through saving the world and can do the important VN work.

Haven't seen it mentioned in the Zone but Greg McElroy's rant on Tuesday puts him square in the shittiest Bama fan category every. Typical whinny ass loser. I posted this comment on Rocky Top Insider, hope it sticks.

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It's amazing how once you dissect the game, if each critical part hadn't happened, the outcome is different to only win by 1 run

The CMO homer
The Dylan Homer
The juke move to home plate
The dynamite catch by Burke to get us out if the inning
The inning by Kirby
The inning by Combs to close
The inning by Kirby when he had to abnormal outings in a row. Combs after 4 lights out innings the previous day. Epic.

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