Losing his starting* job.
Kaep would have made an excellent backup anywhere or a serviceable starter for over half the league. His protest cost him that, which cost him millions. Sure, the endorsements and alternative incomes would inevitably be there, but he cost himself his football career.
A business owner stops carrying a necessary brand to his demographic over the political views of one person among that brand's reps. That is beyond dumb. That guy should be required to wear a padded helmet before leaving the house.
I understand you are biased when it comes to this because you lean towards the views of one party, and oppose the other. I don't necessarily agree with all of Kaep's beefs, nor would I be surprised oif I agreed with the store owner's views to a varying extent, but one fact remains: one had a plan B and the other didn't have a plan at all.
Hence, store owner is as dumb as a cow pie freshly scraped off my boot.