The Tim Banks slander stops now

I honestly think Nico is the future and is very close to the light coming on. That being said uts past time for all the people that were Hating on Joe last year to eat their crow. This year has shown where the real problem was last year. Not the QB. Blockers gotta block and receivers gotta catch. We are seeing the same things we saw last season. Way too many balls coming off fingertips and our QB under constant duress. I dont really blame the receivers as much as the line. But, if they could generate just a tad more separation and find that one step they keep coming up short. Our tackle play is...underwhelming fires need to be lit under certain heralded individuals.

James Pearce is quietly doing himself a lot of favors btw. Showing even with all the attention he can still be disruptive and affect the run game. NFL scouts will notice and the sacks will come. As long as they keep focusing him others will eat and eventually someone is gonne try to block him one on one. Banks is scheming up ways to keep him disruptive though.
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