The very stable genius had to be sequestered from nukes

As I stated earlier, you are a human cartoon. I agree with you, "quoting excerpts" is the extent of your knowledge on virtually every subject. You become more like Luther each day. It must be difficult living life without a single original thought ever occurring in your head
On the continuum of original thought, I think I out score you significantly.
But I'm flattered that you find my thoughts so provoking that you assume they must come from elsewhere.
Yeah LG it's far fetched to think Trump would have started WWIII to stay in office.
You are out of your mind...We are not talking some proxy war with a nation, we would be talking end of the world stuff. End of DC and such. But Trump would be nuts enough to inflict that on the world. Unreal dude as you have lost all rational thinking and it forms this massive bias that is inescapable from any logic.

Trump's campaign hinged on two things: blaming China for Covid and linking Biden to China. He repeatedly claimed that China was interfering in the election to help Biden. And of course a lot of that was deflection from his own linkage to Russia. He called Covid the "China virus."

If he launched an attack on China, maybe even conventional, claiming some sort of overture towards Taiwan, he could have claimed they were doing it to take advantage of the situation and that Biden was compromised. To me, its not that far fetched that he would so something like that.

We have seen many times Presidents concoct a need for military action to justify all sorts of things. Any claim there is not a political aspect to military action by the US is living in fantasy land. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD in Iraq, the list is long.

Trump's ego struggled and does to this day with the fact that he lost. People hearing from responsible other people that Trump was really on a knife's edge about the election and desperate found plenty of support in Trump's own incendiary rhetoric.

What was it Trump bragged about the other day? Oh yes, he STILL hasn't conceded.

And he never will. He cannot bring himself to do so and every piece of evidence against him he dismisses as fraudulent and every lack of piece of evidence for him he asks them to check again.
Trump's campaign hinged on two things: blaming China for Covid and linking Biden to China. He repeatedly claimed that China was interfering in the election to help Biden. And of course a lot of that was deflection from his own linkage to Russia. He called Covid the "China virus."

If he launched an attack on China, maybe even conventional, claiming some sort of overture towards Taiwan, he could have claimed they were doing it to take advantage of the situation and that Biden was compromised. To me, its not that far fetched that he would so something like that.

We have seen many times Presidents concoct a need for military action to justify all sorts of things. Any claim there is not a political aspect to military action by the US is living in fantasy land. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD in Iraq, the list is long.

Trump's ego struggled and does to this day with the fact that he lost. People hearing from responsible other people that Trump was really on a knife's edge about the election and desperate found plenty of support in Trump's own incendiary rhetoric.

What was it Trump bragged about the other day? Oh yes, he STILL hasn't conceded.

And he never will. He cannot bring himself to do so and every piece of evidence against him he dismisses as fraudulent and every lack of piece of evidence for him he asks them to check again.

After four years of doom and gloom about Trump starting a war, you still try to pretend he was some warmonger eager to start a fight anywhere he could...

He. Didn't. Start. Any. New. Conflicts. Anywhere.

Get over it.
Trump's campaign hinged on two things: blaming China for Covid and linking Biden to China. He repeatedly claimed that China was interfering in the election to help Biden. And of course a lot of that was deflection from his own linkage to Russia. He called Covid the "China virus."

If he launched an attack on China, maybe even conventional, claiming some sort of overture towards Taiwan, he could have claimed they were doing it to take advantage of the situation and that Biden was compromised. To me, its not that far fetched that he would so something like that.

We have seen many times Presidents concoct a need for military action to justify all sorts of things. Any claim there is not a political aspect to military action by the US is living in fantasy land. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD in Iraq, the list is long.

Trump's ego struggled and does to this day with the fact that he lost. People hearing from responsible other people that Trump was really on a knife's edge about the election and desperate found plenty of support in Trump's own incendiary rhetoric.

What was it Trump bragged about the other day? Oh yes, he STILL hasn't conceded.

And he never will. He cannot bring himself to do so and every piece of evidence against him he dismisses as fraudulent and every lack of piece of evidence for him he asks them to check again.

If anyone is crazy it’s this guy ^^
After four years of doom and gloom about Trump starting a war, you still try to pretend he was some warmonger eager to start a fight anywhere he could...

He. Didn't. Start. Any. New. Conflicts. Anywhere.

Get over it.

Has nothing to do with the perception he was capable of something stupid in the last days of his administration.
Trump's campaign hinged on two things: blaming China for Covid and linking Biden to China. He repeatedly claimed that China was interfering in the election to help Biden. And of course a lot of that was deflection from his own linkage to Russia. He called Covid the "China virus."

If he launched an attack on China, maybe even conventional, claiming some sort of overture towards Taiwan, he could have claimed they were doing it to take advantage of the situation and that Biden was compromised. To me, its not that far fetched that he would so something like that.

We have seen many times Presidents concoct a need for military action to justify all sorts of things. Any claim there is not a political aspect to military action by the US is living in fantasy land. Gulf of Tonkin, WMD in Iraq, the list is long.

Trump's ego struggled and does to this day with the fact that he lost. People hearing from responsible other people that Trump was really on a knife's edge about the election and desperate found plenty of support in Trump's own incendiary rhetoric.

What was it Trump bragged about the other day? Oh yes, he STILL hasn't conceded.

And he never will. He cannot bring himself to do so and every piece of evidence against him he dismisses as fraudulent and every lack of piece of evidence for him he asks them to check again.

Have you ever considered that you might be insane?
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I'm fine with this and Miley's actions now that most of the story is out. Well except for his leaking, gotta be fired for that.

It's Woodward that has lost all credibility and should never be taken seriously again.
The next question is at what point did did he cross the line so we should go back and re-evaluate his work for authenticity
I wouldn’t trust Trumpous at the controls of a Rock Em Sock Em robot. Very glad there was at least one adult in the room. As far as I’m concerned Milley did exactly what he should have done. End of discussion.
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Trump was an obnoxious ass, but he wasn't going to nuke China. That's just absurd. How anyone is buying that idiocy is beyond me, as is anyone cheering the military acting on authority they don't have. People keep calling 1/6 a "coup", but what Milley was doing actually fits the definition. Some of you guys blow my mind with the idiocy you espouse.
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So Milley is saying Trump’s own people were involved in his coup. Awesome, then they should all be brought in to testify as defense witnesses at Milley’s court martial for treason.
So Milley is saying Trump’s own people were involved in his coup. Awesome, then they should all be brought in to testify as defense witnesses at Milley’s court martial for treason.

If those calls were as Miley has described then he did nothing wrong and wasn’t questioning Trumps sanity.
If those calls were as Miley has described then he did nothing wrong and wasn’t questioning Trumps sanity.

If Trump's "sanity" wasn't in question then the phone calls were a non issue and the whole notion of Trump being "insane" takes another hit but I suspect that isn't being dismissed
Bolton just said that it would have been a dereliction of duty for Milley not to have made those calls to the Chinese.
Bolton huh? The same guy, who in his own book, said it was irrational that Trump did not agree with him that the correct response to Iran shooting down a unmanned US drone was direct attack on Iran? That Bolton? That POS? Yea ok man. Why don't you get another war mongers opinion? If you are "scared" of an "unhinged" Trump then you should be terrified of the every day sensibilities of John Bolton.
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Bolton huh? The same guy, who in his own book, said it was irrational that Trump did not agree with him that the correct response to Iran shooting down a unmanned US drone was direct attack on Iran? That Bolton? That POS? Yea ok man. Why don't you get another war mongers opinion? If you are "scared" of an "unhinged" Trump then you should be terrified of the every day sensibilities of John Bolton.

Bolton was a Trump ally, a Trump fan.

Until he actually got in there, worked with the man, and saw firsthand that Trump was a weird combination of ignorant and insane.
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Bolton was a Trump ally, a Trump fan.

Until he actually got in there, worked with the man, and saw firsthand that Trump was a weird combination of ignorant and insane.

Bolton was an establishment guy just like Jeff Sessions, it had nothing to do with Trump's sanity. That is just the justification you use to defend your vote for an actor from Cocoon. He is a war monger like Chaney

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