The Veterans Thread

That sux glad it was just your knees and not worse, dude didn't tag out ladder when doing maintenance is how I got hurt buddy said I looked like something out of loony toons going down, yeah drug ops uggggh did it once in awhile if we were down there would do long range tracking and report

Used to be stationed up your way in Willow Grove in Philly and South Weymouth in Boston. Went to many Deleware football games because the chick I was smashing at the time had a sister going to school there. Miss that area
ARNG 1985-1998. Basic and AIT at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO from August through December 1986.

212th Engineers out of Monteagle, TN
2123rd HET (Det 1) out of Richmond, KY
Troop A, S and T, 278 ACR out of Jacksboto, TN

Went to Desert Shield/Storm with the 2123rd. Oddly enough, my unit mobilized out of Ft. Campbell alongside my old unit, the 212th and we all flew in the same Pan Am 747 to Saudi Arabia.

I had originally signed up to be an interior electrician (51R), but I didn’t want to wait for a slot to open up so I switched to 64C (wheeled vehicle operator).

ETS’d in 1998 because, at the time, I was a big fat guy who couldn’t pass a PT test. I’d been an E4 for nearly 10 years and a merit promotion wasn’t going to happen.
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Shout out to fellow Veterans, families and those still carrying the torch.

US Army 1984-2013. Stationed Panama, Ft Campbell, Hawaii, Ft Bragg, Ft Hood, Korea, Ft Campbell (again), finished up at Maxwell AFB, AL.

Deployments to Costa Rica, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bosnia, Iraq.
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Shout out to fellow Veterans, families and those still carrying the torch.

US Army 1984-2013. Stationed Panama, Ft Campbell, Hawaii, Ft Bragg, Ft Hood, Korea, Ft Campbell (again), finished up at Maxwell AFB, AL.

Deployments to Costa Rica, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Bosnia, Iraq.

Quite the round the world tour there.
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He was a boiler tech. Retired in '89. Passed away last year from liver cancer. Miss him everyday.
I know your Dad was good man because that's a hell of a job. Boiler rooms aren't exactly cold and the work is tough.
US Army 1986-2007, Korea 88-89, Germany 03-04, OIF 03-04. Retired as a 1SG, HHS 5-3 FA

Double post - sorry.
My fellow Vol brethren! Serving since 2000 - 13M,13P(J), 91E, and 88M. Currently working in OPS for FA Unit..BN Master Gunner...OEF OIF Vet. Just wanna say I love every d@mn one of you who chose to serve this great nation! We all have varying and personal reasons for joining and whether you deployed or not, were in MTOE or TDA unit, Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine you all sacrificed whether you realized it or not. Some of us are paying for it physically as we get older; you missed births, birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, and the time lost that you will never get back with your children. Some of you may have sacrificed your body and mind during combat operations. Regardless of what you did and the OPtempo of your all did something that less than 1% of US population will ever or never have the privelege of served the people of our nation in uniform! #DontTreadOnMe #MadDogMattis #HitEmFirst #HardAsWoodPeckerLips

Go Vols!
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USAF 1999-2003. Fairchild AFB, Spokane, WA. Security Forces / Phoenix Raven since ‘01. Been in and out of A-Stan many times.

I also had the honor of being selected to attend the Naval War College as a civilian in 2015/2016. Got my Masters in Defense / Strategic Studies.

Thank you all for your service. I know mine was truly the time of my life.

Born and spent my first 30 years in Spokane.

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