The Virginia Gov race

What I am really hoping is that they will get a clue that THIS administration has pencil whipped the approval of these 'vaccines' to be shot into their children for no ****ing good reason. No studies on children have been done.
That is a Damn lie! You don't know what the F*** you are talking about... and it is bull $hit lies like this which keep people from vaccinating.
That is a Damn lie! You don't know what the F*** you are talking about... and it is bull $hit lies like this which keep people from vaccinating.

Pfizer did 3 trials.

trial one included 4,500 kids.

trial two included just over 2,300.

trial three numbers were not released by them by they stated it was slightly less than 2,300.

So we are basing a trial that is 6 months long and has a total max sample size of 4,500 and then drilled down to under 2,300 as a large enough data supply?

This is directly from their site, by the way.

Honestly, this would never be released this quickly if it wasn’t for the liable shield the Feds gave them. Drug companies do years and tens of thousands of test before rollling a drug out and even then you get lawsuits down the road because unknown side effects start to show up.
Yeah but is it a one off? I'm guessing they will all go back to sleep until the next election when they forgot about how reprehensible these leftists are. Then they will all fall for the same old promises by the dems and return to the plantation.

Suburban white women don't dislike the Republican message. They dislike Trump.

Youngkin was able to keep Trump at arm's length while not driving away his supporters. As a result, he was able to capture both the hard-Trump and anti-Triump wings of the party. It was quite impressive and quite brilliant.
Here is a novel concept for you, let the parents do their own research and make the decision whether or not to vaccinate their children.
Here is a better idea... don't present things as facts when you obviously don't know what in the damn mother f***ing hell you are talking about!
Suburban white women don't dislike the Republican message. They dislike Trump.

Youngkin was able to keep Trump at arm's length while not driving away his supporters. As a result, he was able to capture both the hard-Trump and anti-Triump wings of the party. It was quite impressive and quite brilliant.
That was smart. More Republican candidates in states that Trump lost twice should follow suit, but in most cases, they are too worried of being primaried the next time around.
That is a Damn lie! You don't know what the F*** you are talking about... and it is bull $hit lies like this which keep people from vaccinating.
You're the idiot that won't even bother to look at actual data and graphics I've shared repeatedly that debunk your posts and yet you come in here with this hateful crap. Have mercy.
That was smart. More Republican candidates in states that Trump lost twice should follow suit, but in most cases, they are too worried of being primaried the next time around.

somehow they still flipped a few D state house seats

EDIT - looks like 7 seats flipped and none lost by R incumbents.

Virginia Election Results: November 2

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