I would like to see a character who was introduced in each season survive. I think Maggie is the only one from season two left. I'm not going to count Michones five second appearance at the very end. Out of the newer characters, I would most like to see them make a bigger effort to develop Abe. I think his character has a lot of potential.
Yep, Tara is still around. She nice to look at in the girl next door kind of way, not gorgeous but not ugly.
Read an article in the latest Entertainment Weekly. No real hardcore spoilers but I'll wrap it anyway.
Darryl is not going to take Beth's death well, he's said to get depressed and "seep back into a dark place".
Maggie may or may not try to hang herself NOT dealing well with everything that's happened up to and including Beth's death.
Internal conflicts will play a bigger role in the back half of the season probably moreso than human threats but there will still be both human and zombie threats of course.
Kirkman teases that Morgan might finally have some company. Acknowledging that not having Morgan meet up with the group would be a "misstep".
Sonequa Martin Green(Sasha) was pregnant during filming so she may appear mostly standing behind things, guns, dead bodies, walkers. She was not pregnant in the show however so there will be no play dates for Judith.
Ross Marquand and Alexandra Breckinridge are actors announced to appear as yet-to-be-named characters. However speculation is Marquand will be playing Aaron.
Andrew Lincoln - "I think by the end of the season we're carrying more actors than we've ever had in the whole five years".
I would like to see a character who was introduced in each season survive. I think Maggie is the only one from season two left. I'm not going to count Michones five second appearance at the very end. Out of the newer characters, I would most like to see them make a bigger effort to develop Abe. I think his character has a lot of potential.
Yeah, it was a bit slow but not bad. I'm glad they finally introduced some real freaking weather interference and a tornado to boot. Major props imo! Better late than never I suppose.
I just don't think we needed an entire episode about surviving when that is the core of the show. It felt like filler to me. Anyway, interesting to see where they go with Aaron. Book route or completely different
I just don't think we needed an entire episode about surviving when that is the core of the show. It felt like filler to me. Anyway, interesting to see where they go with Aaron. Book route or completely different
True. I'm getting a bit tired of the same cliched lines being used. Some of their conversations sound like they're reading from motivational posters and it's stuff they've said numerous times already.
And it would have been much better if Maggie had punched the preacher when he tried to get all "I can help".
True. I'm getting a bit tired of the same cliched lines being used. Some of their conversations sound like they're reading from motivational posters and it's stuff they've said numerous times already.
And it would have been much better if Maggie had punched the preacher when he tried to get all "I can help".
That would have been awesome. I don't buy the Sasha anger either. I eould think she would be trying to kill Noah. Also, the conserve energy thing so pushing zombies into a ditch was pretty lame
That would have been awesome. I don't buy the Sasha anger either. I eould think she would be trying to kill Noah. Also, the conserve energy thing so pushing zombies into a ditch was pretty lame