that episode was not good at all. that Tara chick is terrible.
as for the walker's inconsistencies, the theory would be how in bad shape the walker's are in terms of rotting. some would be able to attack faster than others but i understand your point. they are overly inconsistent.
Good episode. It's been said before, but I'll say it again. There are other actors who would look more like Negan than Jeffery Dean Morgan, but I don't know if there's an actor out there who could play the role better.
I'm an episode behind everyone else (currently finishing the Lesbo-big boob side story with the community of other lesbos near a beach)
My comment. I'm getting fed up with all the side stories...I don't have the investment in most of these newer characters anyway. Just seems like an annoying way to prolong the main plot line :banghead2:
So Carl hides in the truck with the sole purpose being kill Negan. Has a weapon with Negan exposed merely feet away.......and doesn't shoot.
Later Negan hands him Lucille, turns his back on him, and Carl doesn't swing away.
In Carl's home Negan finds Judith. Carl's infant sister. Negan again Hands Carl Lucille. And Carl does nothing.
So is the show trying to say Carl is just a scared teenager, or is this just crappy ass writing?
I wondered why he didn't now him down with the machine gun too. I know he said "no one else needs to get hurt" but c'mon. He already killed two. What's one more?