I still wanted Gareth fed to the Walkers at the elementary school...so he can get a "taste" of his own medicine

But I am glad that Rick was able to fulfill his promise
Agreed. I think they are continuing to develop Carol's character. Of course, they have killed off a parent main characters without much warning as well. dale is my prime example. But they have put Carol through so much transformation that I can't see them killing her off like that
True, but when Tyrese told her that he would make everyone understand about the girls, Carol gave him a very strange look.I don't think she wanted to go through the scrutiny of that event by the group members. I think she felt it was easier to just leave. I could be totally wrong, that Cadillac may have just been a back up plan. She does seem to be very thorough now.
Morgan was not mentally there when he was found by Rick. Not really sure how far back he has come. with the gunshots inside the church, I can see how Darryl and Carol could get the drop on him. Not really saying this has happened, but just trying to figure out how Morgan gets back into this storyline.
Unprecedented true.
However, the story of them heading to Washington needs to be explored further. The others need to try to go get Beth for Daryl's sake. This also allows multiple different storylines to keep the show rolling. This group is very formidable when all together. Abraham did give Rick a map with their route already marked on it.
I personally think that the mullet is full of it. I think he has Made everything up.