They Don’t Pay Their Fair Share

And people do it every day so people like you can have power and toilet paper and food and all of the other things that you take for granted.
Oh you mean all the stuff my company warehouses and transports across the country? I had no idea

There is a very, very small number of people doing what you described. The rest have wised up and moved to better gigs
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Oh you mean all the stuff my company warehouses and transports across the country? I had no idea

There is a very, very small number of people doing what you described. The rest have wised up and moved to better gigs
So you work at a DC and you think the world revolves around you? You're probably one of the assholes that gives a trucker shitz when he shows up to pick up a load?
Illustrating my earlier point... when the left talks about "the rich" they aren't typically talking about the super rich political class types like say... John Kerry or even Donald Trump. The rules are made so those types don't pay taxes. Their companies however do collect taxes from those who consume their goods and services.

The "rich" targeted by the left and often defended by the right might surprise some of you. If you are a doctor in your 30's... chances are you are top 10% of wage earners. If you are a good lawyer... if you own 4 or 5 McDonalds after working your way up from one. If you own a trucking company and work every day. If you own a real estate company or are a good contractor...

All of those things are likely to put you in the top 10%. If you do those things in NY or CA then it likely puts you in the top 5% or top 1%.

The actual targets of "tax the rich" are NOT the super rich elitists... The targets are those who build small businesses and practices.
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That's an oranges and apples comparison.

Are you trying to argue for "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability"?

A better example would be if you and five neighbors purchased a load of rock agreeing on a "first come/first serve" distribution of the rock. What is "equitable" is those who work harder and smarter... get more rock.
What a stupid agreement for five neighbors to make - they wouldn't be neighborly for long - so that probably is a better example of our current system.
The bottom line is that you're lazy as F. The only thing I'm angry or bitter about is the lazy ass teachers that want to be paid for sitting home on their asses. Get back to work and do what you're paid to do.
You have so many false assumptions in that one post that it's almost scary.
At least you are consistent in your wrongness.
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So you work at a DC and you think the world revolves around you? You're probably one of the assholes that gives a trucker shitz when he shows up to pick up a load?
You're still coming off as bitter, angry, and ignorant. What happened? Dog die? Ingrown toenail? Life regrets?
So you work at a DC and you think the world revolves around you? You're probably one of the assholes that gives a trucker shitz when he shows up to pick up a load?
No my group supports all of them around the country. We get paid well and no one works anywhere close to those hours
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What a stupid agreement for five neighbors to make - they wouldn't be neighborly for long - so that probably is a better example of our current system.
Well, I was only trying to play off of your ridiculous scenario where you reduce family relationships to a communist ideal.

No. What good neighbors would do is agree to what each person would pay and do for a specific share. They would NEVER agree that there should be equal benefit for unequal work... knowing that is inherently unjust. That... unlike the scenario you tried... is a real world economic exchange.

Natural law dictates free enterprise economics. If all governments and currencies broke down... those who survived and thrived would do so by producing and trading products with each other while agreeing on the prices of exchange. The early Plymouth colony attempted communism on a small scale. The colony almost failed and starved because of it. If it won't work on a small scale... it isn't going to work on a larger scale.
No my group supports all of them around the country. We get paid well and no one works anywhere close to those hours
So you do what exactly? Sounds like you're a Blue Cross/Blue Shield type provider that doesn't actually create value, you're just a middle man.
If you worked a real job, you wouldn't make that statement. You have no clue what it's like to be on call 24/7, you have no clue what it's like to work 80+ hours a week to make a plant function. You actually have no idea what most Americans do to pay your salary.

I sense bitterness. Did someone force you to take employment that destroys the mind, body, and spirit?
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The only "fair" tax is to tax consumption...equally...across ALL citizens paid at point of purchase. With serious pain for those who attempt to get around this tax via the "black market" or other means.

Poor man buys a $100 TV he pays $10 bucks in fed taxes.

Rich man buys a $10MM airplane? He pays $1MM to the feds.

Zero exceptions besides maybe food? Zero credits/handouts/Communist bullsheit .

That is a fair tax. All this other BS is robbery plain and simple.

That 10% rate was just an example, and likely way too high. Goverment bloat and these Communist bastards will be the death of this country as we know it
The only "fair" tax is to tax consumption...equally...across ALL citizens paid at point of purchase. With serious pain for those who attempt to get around this tax via the "black market" or other means.

Poor man buys a $100 TV he pays $10 bucks in fed taxes.

Rich man buys a $10MM airplane? He pays $1MM to the feds.

Zero exceptions besides maybe food? Zero credits/handouts/Communist bullsheit .

That is a fair tax. All this other BS is robbery plain and simple.

That 10% rate was just an example, and likely way too high. Goverment bloat and these Communist bastards will be the death of this country as we know it

Congratulations! And it only took an entire species 6000-8000 years of civilization and countless attempts at organized government to come up with your panacea.
You have so many false assumptions in that one post that it's almost scary.
At least you are consistent in your wrongness.

What do you do?

Not a trap question. Not picking a fight. Just seems like everyone knows but me.
Just curious.
A better example would be if you and five neighbors purchased a load of rock agreeing on a "first come/first serve" distribution of the rock. What is "equitable" is those who work harder and smarter... get more rock.

And what if one of the neighbors is disabled and unable to move the rock themselves?
The only "fair" tax is to tax consumption...equally...across ALL citizens paid at point of purchase. With serious pain for those who attempt to get around this tax via the "black market" or other means.

Poor man buys a $100 TV he pays $10 bucks in fed taxes.

Rich man buys a $10MM airplane? He pays $1MM to the feds.

Zero exceptions besides maybe food? Zero credits/handouts/Communist bullsheit .

That is a fair tax. All this other BS is robbery plain and simple.

That 10% rate was just an example, and likely way too high. Goverment bloat and these Communist bastards will be the death of this country as we know it

Goodbye jet business.
So you do what exactly? Sounds like you're a Blue Cross/Blue Shield type provider that doesn't actually create value, you're just a middle man.
I help design, configure and support all the computer systems used across our company. It's my job to make them as human proof as possible. Maybe I am insurance
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He gets to pay for someone to move the rock....

Which means that neighbor has to make preparations beforehand so that under this cockamamie "we all paid, but first come is first served" idea they still have a chance in hell of recouping their investment. Which in turn costs them more.
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I would replace equally with equitably.
An equal sharing of the burden does not mean everyone pays the same.
Let me try this analogy (just thinking it up on the fly)
You have a truckload of rock delivered to your house that you want to use to line the bottom of your fence in the back yard. They dump the rock at the top of your driveway. On Saturday you plan to have family work day to more the rocks. You, your wife, your 17 year old sun, your 5 year old daughter, and your 76 year old mother in law all show up in overalls ready to work and do their fair share. Does that mean you should each move the same amount of rocks during the day? Or does that mean that you should each work equally hard to accomplish the job (knowing that each individual will more a vastly different amount of rock)? What is equitable?
Good analogy. Will answer.
Which means that neighbor has to make preparations beforehand so that under this cockamamie "we all paid, but first come is first served" idea they still have a chance in hell of recouping their investment. Which in turn costs them more.

Yep. The whole scenario Luther put forth is stupid.
Only taxes should be sales taxes. Basic food items would be tax free. Same with clothes, and other extreme basics/requirements, including medicines and treatments. Maybe you get a set value for things like homes or transportation. First 80k, or whatever, is tax free.

Anything that goes beyond basic requirements gets hit with a luxury tax.

Some items are luxury goods period. Anything that is need or preference based would be taxed as a luxury item.

I could see some items easily having 100%+ tax rates attached.

I would also allow for stacking of tax rates, city, state, federal, but the categories would need to be set by the federal level. An apple is always a basic food item, caviar is always a luxury, something like that.

Great minds and whatnot...
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