They Don’t Pay Their Fair Share

Our household income percentage is listed on table. It is to the left of 50%.

We pay less than the average for our column. For years, we have aggressively planned to pay as little tax as possible.
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Here’s a serious question what good is wealth if it does not generate income? It seems the only real issue should be that, the income.

If I had a lot of wealth and no money for example, what example, what benefit is that (other than the enjoyment of people like yourself hating on me)?

Bump for @luthervol
There's no contradiction in the least Slick.
Oh there absolutely is. 8188 asked if a business owner should be taxed on the value of that business instead of the $60K/year that he took home (essentially). You responded that 'there wasn't enough information. Were you not conflating wealth (the value of the company) with income (the $60K he took home) your response would have been a resounding 'NO'. but it wasn't. Which absolutely means you don't know the difference.
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I thought capital gains were capped at 20%?
There are different percentages for both long term and short term capital gains.

Both Biden and House Democrats have pushed for an increase to capital gains. Biden wants almost 50% on dividend, 40+% on assets, and Ds are wanting it increased to 28+%
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The first question I have about your OP is how do those who use the phrase "fair share" define the phrase? What is the percentage of income or amount which puts one's taxes into the fair share range?
The leftists won't ever define that. Fair share would mean that errybody pays the same percentage of their income though. ALL sources included and no deductions. Constitutional amendment.
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Short term is too high. All Cap Gains should be at 20%
I'm not so sure about that. I would like to see if people sell assets more rapidly at lower rates. It might be true that lowering the percentage would actually increase the revenue produced from cap gains.
Is the McMansion getting too highly valued?
$250,000 in 1997 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $432,940.81 today,

Values should be $425k if single and $850K if married.
Here’s a serious question what good is wealth if it does not generate income? It seems the only real issue should be that, the income.

If I had a lot of wealth and no money for example, what example, what benefit is that (other than the enjoyment of people like yourself hating on me)?

Anyone want to explain this one?
I'm not so sure about that. I would like to see if people sell assets more rapidly at lower rates. It might be true that lowering the percentage would actually increase the revenue produced from cap gains.
I must admit that I am biased. I made almost 1800 trades last year.
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