Samoa has 2 more calories which looks like it's because they have a miniscule more protein and fiber. The fraudulent ones have 12 grams of sugars vs the Samoa 10.You would think the ones with more sugar would have more calories.
You need to stfu and stop looking at cookies and do your homework before it's too late. Dumbass.Samoa has 2 more calories which looks like it's because they have a miniscule more protein and fiber. The fraudulent ones have 12 grams of sugars vs the Samoa 10.
Not that it would make any difference but the Samoa would be the healthier choice.
WTAFTMan espying Thin Mints atop the Girl Scouts table: I see you have Thin Mints.
Girl Scout nods.
Man: How many do you have? I’ll take all of them.
Girl Scout: Everyone wants Thin Mints. I have to sell some of the others, too.
Man: OK, a box of Dosidos and all of your Thin Mints.
Girl Scout’s eyes express her annoyance.
Man: What else in your inventory should accompany all of your Thin Mints?
Girl Scout: The Lemon-Ups and S’Mores haven’t been selling today. Buy all of those, and you can buy all of my Thin Mints.