Things I'm happy about today

Too open, too something?
too many open spaces and it's not structurally sound. You have to stack the logs so that they fit together as good as possible. Lots of the logs need to be flipped one way or the other to fit better. Again, this is according to Pops. As long as it's not falling down, does it really matter? I will say that we laid down sawed off power poles (cut down the middle as well), to keep the stack off the ground and keep the termites and other bugs at bay.
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too many open spaces and it's not structurally sound. You have to stack the logs so that they fit together as good as possible. Lots of the logs need to be flipped one way or the other to fit better. Again, this is according to Pops. As long as it's not falling down, does it really matter? I will say that we laid down sawed off power poles (cut down the middle as well), to keep the stack off the ground and keep the termites and other bugs at bay.
Good to know. Most are on a metal rack 8” off the wooden floor of the porch.

I will add this to the (very short) list of things one of us can do when we need to be in separate parts of the house. 😁
that 50 years ago I broke up with a UGa coed that I had been dating since the fall of 1969.
I did get to see the Vols' spanking of the Dawgs that fall, and I was the only Vol fan at a sorority party that night. I think it was Georgia's homecoming . Can't remember whether it was a decent party.. I do know that the Dawg FG kicker was in attendance.

Full disclosure: I later married an Alabama grad.
Today is dad’s birthday, 78 years old. I took the day off so mom and I could take him out. We took him to the local watering hole, he had a great time, but was wore out by the time I took them home. I’ll take it. In August, I wouldn’t have thought he would last more than a week, but as always, God knows better. I was going to post a picture of him, so you all could see the difference between now and the picture before, but I didn’t want any bad juju. He’s still frail, but he’s doing a lot better. Thank you all.
Today is dad’s birthday, 78 years old. I took the day off so mom and I could take him out. We took him to the local watering hole, he had a great time, but was wore out by the time I took them home. I’ll take it. In August, I wouldn’t have thought he would last more than a week, but as always, God knows better. I was going to post a picture of him, so you all could see the difference between now and the picture before, but I didn’t want any bad juju. He’s still frail, but he’s doing a lot better. Thank you all.
Happy Birthday Orb's dad!!
Today is dad’s birthday, 78 years old. I took the day off so mom and I could take him out. We took him to the local watering hole, he had a great time, but was wore out by the time I took them home. I’ll take it. In August, I wouldn’t have thought he would last more than a week, but as always, God knows better. I was going to post a picture of him, so you all could see the difference between now and the picture before, but I didn’t want any bad juju. He’s still frail, but he’s doing a lot better. Thank you all.
So glad that you all went out and your Dad had a Great time on his Birthday!
Thank you so much. I hate to admit it, but it wore me out also. Frigging 57 and I get tired before 9 pm. 🤦‍♀️
Dealing with elderly adults with dementia makes dealing with two dozen or so three-year-olds feel like child’s play.

Reacting to their “interesting” statements takes a ton of diplomacy: trying to stay honest, and kind, and pragmatic, and...
It’s a different world all on its own
In one 30-minute visit today, we covered:
- how far away do I live/ how long is the drive to her place (3 times)
- where does she/ do I live (3 times)
- why is she in Asheville and not in Memphis (3 times)
- what weird coincidence caused us to live in the same town (3 times)
- which of my kids lives where (4 times, maybe 5)
- why can’t we go out and shop at Kohl’s (2 times)
- what does my house look like, and has she ever been there (1 time)
- what did her house in Memphis look like (1 time)
- which house was it (1 time)
- can she go back to Memphis to die (1 time; this is the most painful)

This leaves out taking my cat to be put to sleep; how her cat who now lives with us is therefore now the Head Cat; why we have her cat now and she doesn’t; why we’re not doing Halloween this year; how we had 2,000+ trick or treaters last year.

All this with a cheerful, relaxed (supportive) smile, and a gentle chuckle at memory oopsies so that she doesn’t feel bad.

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