Things I'm happy about today

As I said in the "Things I'm Mad about Today" thread, I had to have one of my dogs put down and the other dog was grieving beyond belief. So, Saturday after the football game I went to the local ASPCA shelter. I took Nitro with me. We get to the shelter and I tell them I am thinking about another dog. They said I would have to bring Nitro to do a meet and greet. I was ahead of them. He was in the truck. We go to the back where all the kennels are lined up. There weren't any other dogs out so I dropped the tailgate on the truck and let Nitro out.
He strolls down the row of kennels until he gets to this black and white dog. He stops and just turns his head as if to say WOW! It is a six-month-old lab mix mutt. He walks over to the door on the kennel. The pup just sits down and pokes her nose through the fence. Nitro smells of her and licks her nose. Now they are both jumping up and down. The tech lets the pup out of the kennel and they take off running to my truck. Nitro jumps up in the truck but the pup is too small to make the leap. Nitro jumps back out of the truck. I pick up the pup and put her in the truck. Nitro is back in the truck. The tech says we can't do that until I have paid. She reaches to take the pup out of the truck. Nitro steps between them and growls at the tech.
I told her, she might want to just look the other way until I can pay for the pup. She just laughs and says well I don't think we have to worry about you bringing her back because it didn't work out. All is well at my house for now.
Love it!! What did you name her?
As I said in the "Things I'm Mad about Today" thread, I had to have one of my dogs put down and the other dog was grieving beyond belief. So, Saturday after the football game I went to the local ASPCA shelter. I took Nitro with me. We get to the shelter and I tell them I am thinking about another dog. They said I would have to bring Nitro to do a meet and greet. I was ahead of them. He was in the truck. We go to the back where all the kennels are lined up. There weren't any other dogs out so I dropped the tailgate on the truck and let Nitro out.
He strolls down the row of kennels until he gets to this black and white dog. He stops and just turns his head as if to say WOW! It is a six-month-old lab mix mutt. He walks over to the door on the kennel. The pup just sits down and pokes her nose through the fence. Nitro smells of her and licks her nose. Now they are both jumping up and down. The tech lets the pup out of the kennel and they take off running to my truck. Nitro jumps up in the truck but the pup is too small to make the leap. Nitro jumps back out of the truck. I pick up the pup and put her in the truck. Nitro is back in the truck. The tech says we can't do that until I have paid. She reaches to take the pup out of the truck. Nitro steps between them and growls at the tech.
I told her, she might want to just look the other way until I can pay for the pup. She just laughs and says well I don't think we have to worry about you bringing her back because it didn't work out. All is well at my house for now.
Wish you had pics of that adventure, would be epic!
Her name is Nala. I think it is from The Lion King. My granddaughter named her. The boys went along with it. I will try and gets pics of the two of them. They are a funny looking pair for now.
You "think"? One of the greatest films ever made.

"Nala is the most significant female character in The Lion King. As the film was inspired by William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, Nala is considered to be The Lion King's equivalent of Hamlet's love interest Ophelia, although differences remain between the two characters."
You "think"? One of the greatest films ever made.

"Nala is the most significant female character in The Lion King. As the film was inspired by William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, Nala is considered to be The Lion King's equivalent of Hamlet's love interest Ophelia, although differences remain between the two characters."
Thanks Behr. I must confess I have never watched the Lion King. I will make it a point to watch it. Studied Shakespeare in college. I never knew about the inspiration for the Lion King coming from Shakespeare's Hamlet. To think I learned something here. lulz
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In 2020, two guys running for governor jointly put out a public service message. Civility can still exist in politics. It's like finding life in geothermic pools.

not sure of the congruence of "committing to a peaceful transfer of power" and "no matter who wins". If the incumbent wins, why would you need a transfer? otherwise, I guess it's a nice sentiment but it's probably not too difficult to have civility in a one-sided race. there's been very little negative campaigning in the TN senate race compared to last time, mainly because one side is not spending any money and hardly anyone can name both major parties' candidates.
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I'm fine with politics in the zone, but it's pretty hypocritical to bring them to the Zone after crying about them being in the Zone.

But carry on.
@Tin Man
@Behr and @508mikey, the two of you are poster children for practiced incivility. It is at the core of your self-expression. Everyone notices this. Knowing that nothing anyone posts will have an effect upon either of you and not wishing to become the targets of your trolling, most ignore you. Happily, I'll follow their example in this. Have a nice day, now, ya hear?
@Behr and @508mikey, the two of you are poster children for practiced incivility. It is at the core of your self-expression. Everyone notices this. Knowing that nothing anyone posts will have an effect upon either of you and not wishing to become the targets of your trolling, most ignore you. Happily, I'll follow their example in this. Have a nice day, now, ya hear?
I don’t know what this means.

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