Things I'm happy about today

I started out kinda mad. I ordered catfish when we went out after church, and it came out raw, literally not hardly cooked under the breading. I wasn't gonna say anything because we were trying to have a good time. I ate the appetizer, and my baked potato. Tiffany actually told the waitress when she brought our check, and they took off my meal and the appetizer. So I'm happy I didn't have to pay for it.
I started out kinda mad. I ordered catfish when we went out after church, and it came out raw, literally not hardly cooked under the breading. I wasn't gonna say anything because we were trying to have a good time. I ate the appetizer, and my baked potato. Tiffany actually told the waitress when she brought our check, and they took off my meal and the appetizer. So I'm happy I didn't have to pay for it.
I started out kinda mad. I ordered catfish when we went out after church, and it came out raw, literally not hardly cooked under the breading. I wasn't gonna say anything because we were trying to have a good time. I ate the appetizer, and my baked potato. Tiffany actually told the waitress when she brought our check, and they took off my meal and the appetizer. So I'm happy I didn't have to pay for it.
Catfish Sushi?

VN Store
