This coaching staff

Honest question is there a single good assistant coach on this team besides Elklear/Gardner/abeln?
Hazle trash
Banks trash besides maybe this year
Sims can’t land a recruit to save his life
pope Wr seems to not get any separation
Elerbee only one elite Prospect in 4 years.. line not great with most of his players
Willie… need I say more

I’m slightly inebriated, but my God most of our coaching staff is pathetic
Maybe Heupel is too nice a guy and he needs to chew some butts; both coaches and players.
You got to sustain a drive a some point. They were on the field the whole first half because we couldn't do anything offensively. So yes he got hung out to dry..

You got to sustain a drive a some point. They were on the field the whole first half because we couldn't do anything offensively. So yes he got hung out to dry..
I understand what you're saying so, I guess it's time to start looking for another head coach(I'm not saying that) because that's his thing, We're 4 years Into this with Heupel and if you haven't figured out that's his thing then I'm not sure what to tell you and I do think the offense needs work.
Our offense is so predictable it makes it easy to defend. When is the last time we saw a gadget play outside of the shuffle pass up the middle. It's funny to hear the pundits rave about our wide open offense when to me seems we only have a couple plays outside of running Samson up the middle They have a whole week of practice, in this case 2 weeks of practice, just to look this bad ?
Blatantly obvious that heupel is not a good evaluator of staff. Otherwise guys like martinez and elerbee wouldn’t still be drawing paychecks here. I’m also beginning to question his ability to evaluate QB talent. Don’t really think he’s the QB whisperer we all made him out to be.

Rodney Gardner is the only guy that’s keeping heupel off the hot seat.
After Some sleep and alcohol leaving the system I have determined.
Heupel has to want his program to be better and drop the whole nice guy Act… not firing anyone and by and large Promoting within hasn’t/isn’t working.
Hazle has been an abject failure (yes Ik Heupel calls the plays but please try to tell me QB play has been above average besides Cupcake Games),
Banks has somewhat turned it around but theres no reason he should of made it to this point with what he had shown the past 3 years… plus think a big part of the defenses success hinges on the fact with have 10 upperclassmen at DLine which will all be gone this season…. I mean it’s year 4 and we have 20 JR/SR playing and we couldn’t get lined up last night
Sims- he’s been fine Ig but when it comes to RB coach I’m more focused on recruiting which has been lackluster to say the least… I mean it been well know we want a 2nd back in this class but we just can’t seems to even get traction with anyone.
Pope. Please don’t start with Hyatt… yea WR play was good his first year here but how much was him and how much was talent/Kodi burns
The past 2 seasons our WR play has been painfully average which should not be the case with all the supposed talent we have.
Elerbee: This one frustrates me the most. I said time and time again that I will not call him out for what he does until he puts out a bad line… welp folks it’s that time… this man is simply not good enough. He can’t recruit at an overly high level and has missed on 4 of his 5 Big time prospects (Ik it’s hard to land them but as some point you have to). The Line which has 4 SRs all of which have been in the system for 2 years now still consistently jump offsides/Run Out like they’re going to catch a screen pass. There’s no excuse for it. Not to mention they’ve Been Turn styles every game this season where they’ve played a team with a pulse.
Ole Willie… not going to say more pretty much same thing a Banks… kinda turning it around but there is nothing he’s done here in Either tenure that deserved him being here this long.

If Heupel serious about wanting to win a majority, if not all of these coaches need to be gone after this season until then nothing will change
That's my question.. If you can't run what you bring, then at least tailor it back to help your defense out. They were on the field all night.. Yes the Oline seems to be a weak link, but so does QB and WR too. Why not go to 12 personal again or throw quick stuff. This staff was subpar last night, except Tim Banks. He got hung out to dry by this putrid offense..
If your OL is a weak link, your QB and WRs have no chance. Look across the landscape. Way to many folks are already throwing shade at Nico when in reality playcalling and O line are much more of an issue.
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That's my question.. If you can't run what you bring, then at least tailor it back to help your defense out. They were on the field all night.. Yes the Oline seems to be a weak link, but so does QB and WR too. Why not go to 12 personal again or throw quick stuff. This staff was subpar last night, except Tim Banks. He got hung out to dry by this putrid offense..
Banks will take a HC after this season. I think we should go 12 from start to finish. I think about Heupel’s ego got in the way. Thinking he wanted to go deep.

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