This is not normal: Trump's tweet storm

He didn't want the fact he was banging hokers to come out, that's why he paid them off. Now that fact is out there what good is a hooker pee tape?
Because it shows he will go to great lengths to hide his depravity, and some may view having a bunch of Russian hookers pee on you as being depraved. This supposedly took place before the propensity for bang hookers was common knowledge. Obvious conclusion, Trump would have gone to any length to suppress such a tape. The fact that we now know about his other lying, covering up, escapades; has absolutely zero baring on what he would have done to suppress pee tapes.
Because it shows he will go to great lengths to hide his depravity, and some may view having a bunch of Russian hookers pee on you as being depraved. This supposedly took place before the propensity for bang hookers was common knowledge. Obvious conclusion, Trump would have gone to any length to suppress such a tape. The fact that we now know about his other lying, covering up, escapades; has absolutely zero baring on what he would have done to suppress pee tapes.
JFK waves hello from the grave. FDR too. Slick Willy is still just trying to look inconspicuous
JFK waves hello from the grave. FDR too. Slick Willy is still just trying to look inconspicuous
I'm sure they are all repulsed by Trump but also a little happy that anything and everything they may have done now pales in comparison to Trump.
lol...there has never been anything like Trump. He's the new standard, one which we will never again approach.
No, he has an R next to his name. It will always be that way for any R. The media will bash any of them.
No, he has an R next to his name. It will always be that way for any R. The media will bash any of them.
I know you guys find comfort in trying to convince yourselves of that, but it's just not the way it is. There has never been an R president as despicable as Trump and there will never be another R president as despicable as Trump.
You could have polled democrats during the republican primaries with the question "which republican candidate is the most repulsive and despicable human?" and Trump would have been named by almost everyone.
I truly think that is largely why he won.
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This is apparently a kinder, gentler Fuhrer, since he likes Jews and free speech on the college campus. Plus, he hasn't attacked Poland........................yet.
He's only been in office a little over two years. Total mind control takes time.
I know you guys find comfort in trying to convince yourselves of that, but it's just not the way it is. There has never been an R president as despicable as Trump and there will never be another R president as despicable as Trump.
You could have polled democrats during the republican primaries with the question "which republican candidate is the most repulsive and despicable human?" and Trump would have been named by almost everyone.
I truly think that is largely why he won.
The reason he won is people have woke up with all the corruption at all levels of govt and to elect someone that can’t be bought would cause chaos in DC, which it has. Everyone is after Trump and no one is having much luck trying to bring him down and it’s fun to watch you guys have meltdowns every damn day.
The reason he won is people have woke up with all the corruption at all levels of govt and to elect someone that can’t be bought would cause chaos in DC, which it has. Everyone is after Trump and no one is having much luck trying to bring him down and it’s fun to watch you guys have meltdowns every damn day.
Yes, I’m sure a lot of his supporters do actually believe this.
Yes, I’m sure a lot of his supporters do actually believe this.
It’s true, everyday on the socialist news networks there’s something negative about Trump. To watch the Dims drool over negative news and swallow everything they say shows how dumb they are to believe everything that’s shoved down their throats. Dims aren’t about to think for themselves, they need a little help.
It’s true, everyday on the socialist news networks there’s something negative about Trump. To watch the Dims drool over negative news and swallow everything they say shows how dumb they are to believe everything that’s shoved down their throats. Dims aren’t about to think for themselves, they need a little help.
So Trump just reversed 52 years of US policy and said we should recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Wonder what US diplomats, national security, military, and intelligence professionals all think of that, since you know he got that off a phone conversation and thought "Gee, that seems right," and then posted it without consulting with anyone.

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