This is your President?

That might be sooner than you think.

So I guess as long as it isn't a lie to the grand jury, it's not a lie?
So I guess as long as it isn't a lie to the grand jury, it's not a lie?

They all have there shortcomings. Bill's just came in front fo a Grand Jury and while looking into the eyes of millions of people on TV.

I have to give Clinton credit. If you're going to be slick, you might as well be REALLY slick.
Well, it's a good thing that W won't have a credibility left by the time he's being impeached.
I believe that a move to impeach Bush would be a disatrous strategic move for the Democrats. It was a bad move when the Republicans did it to Clinton.
Go read my edit . . . I thought it was a bad move for the GOP when they did it to Clinton. There was no hope of it succeeding and everyone knew it. Ultimately it led to two Speakers resigning and really slowed the momentum the GOP had been building since 1994.
Even if the Democrats gain majorities in both houses, the numbers will just break down along party lines again and there won't be enough votes. If you're the Democratic party, why would you want to waste time doing that when you can just take your mid-term victory and use it to bludgeon a lame duck President and push your own agenda going into 2008?
They all have there shortcomings. Bill's just came in front fo a Grand Jury and while looking into the eyes of millions of people on TV.

Mission accomplished....WMD's....nevermind those lies in front of millions of people over and over on TV.
They all have there shortcomings. Bill's just came in front fo a Grand Jury and while looking into the eyes of millions of people on TV.

Mission accomplished....WMD's....nevermind those lies in front of millions of people over and over on TV.

If you consider saying "mission accomplished" to be a lie then you have a very broad definition of lying.
Feel free to tell me how the mission was accomplished. While you're at it tell me what the original and official mission was.
Feel free to tell me how the mission was accomplished. While you're at it tell me what the original and official mission was.

The mission referred to was the toppling of Saddam - that was accomplished.

That said, it was a dumb statement because overall we've not stabilized Iraq.

To characterize this type of statement as lying is over the top. If you consider this to be a lie then virtually every statement made by any official would be considered a lie.
i was pretty sure we were going to rid the world of saddam's WMD too, i think that was a small part of the mission
Read that speech again and tell me the definition of "mission accomplished" again. And then tell me with a straight face you stand by the above statement.
Read that speech again and tell me the definition of "mission accomplished" again. And then tell me with a straight face you stand by the above statement.

A quick skim refers to "Battle of Iraq"

We have difficult work to do in Iraq. We are bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous. We are pursuing and finding leaders of the old regime, who will be held to account for their crimes. We have begun the search for hidden chemical and biological weapons, and already know of hundreds of sites that will be investigated. We are helping to rebuild Iraq, where the dictator built palaces for himself, instead of hospitals and schools. And we will stand with the new leaders of Iraq as they establish a government of, by, and for the Iraqi people. The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done. And then we will leave — and we will leave behind a free Iraq.

Here's a quote that indicates while Saddam was defeated there is still much work to do.

Clearly, the amount of work was underestimated. However, underestimating the difficulty of future events is NOT the same thing as LYING.
OK. Change it to a poor choice of words.....depends on what the definition of 'is' is right?

If you know the mission is NOT accomplished and there is a HUGE amount of work left to do, do you go making a propaganda piece telling something that is clearly not true?
OK. Change it to a poor choice of words.....depends on what the definition of 'is' is right?

If you know the mission is NOT accomplished and there is a HUGE amount of work left to do, do you go making a propaganda piece telling something that is clearly not true?

I think they thought that the mission of toppling Saddam was accomplished and with some mop up work, things would be much better than they've turned out to be.

Wrong? Yes

Lying? No

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