This is your President?

Does Nancy or Dr. Dean bother you?


And they are getting screwed in what way?

Let's see...where to begin....

Great foreign policy for one. Um...quality education plan especially when the whole GOP platform was to get rid of the DoE and NOT build it up into a super department controlling EVERYTHING on the local level. Checked the size of government lately? Checked the deficit and spending? Illegal immigration. Security. Cavalier attitude on constitutional and civil liberties issues....I can go on further if you'd like.
Why is it that whenever any president or would-be president gets the notion that he can look like JFK playing sandlot football with his kin on Martha's Vineyard, they look like complete idiots? Kerry throwing a football, Bush landing his plane and announcing victory a la Top Gun, Dukakis the tank commander, Bush, Sr. buying groceries and expressing shock at the scanner, the list goes on and on and it doesn't matter whether its a Republican or a Democrat.

They ought to quit trying to impress us with an image they "craft" and be who they are, accepting that we are smart enough to discern the genuine article from the staged event.
Ahhh yes....the infamous bar-code scanner incident....and the P-O-T-A-T-O-E many staged items that wind up backfiring.
Never do anything live....and never allow pool reporters in to record something. Have your people do everything and release after editing....
Let's see...where to begin....

Great foreign policy for one. Um...quality education plan especially when the whole GOP platform was to get rid of the DoE and NOT build it up into a super department controlling EVERYTHING on the local level. Checked the size of government lately? Checked the deficit and spending? Illegal immigration. Security. Cavalier attitude on constitutional and civil liberties issues....I can go on further if you'd like.

I do not see where the President is responsible for the education of 300 million people.

Illegal immigration I will agree with you on, but Kerry would not have done any better.
Then you haven't paid attention to No Child Left Behind. You realize that each little local school system is now the full and complete responsibility of the Federal government through the Department of Education? As I said, the GOP has promised to toss out the whole DoE (see the whole '94 Revolution) and return control of schools to the local level. Instead Bush pushes some Ted Kennedy type of national education control and standards all with the help of those good men and women who came in on promises of NOT doing this.
Then you haven't paid attention to No Child Left Behind. You realize that each little local school system is now the full and complete responsibility of the Federal government through the Department of Education? As I said, the GOP has promised to toss out the whole DoE (see the whole '94 Revolution) and return control of schools to the local level. Instead Bush pushes some Ted Kennedy type of national education control and standards all with the help of those good men and women who came in on promises of NOT doing this.

yea, I can see your point. Bush is not a conservative, not sure if he ever claimed to be one. I just know the alternative was not any better. I am by no means a Bush fan. But in reality, no matter what plan he pushes, I do not rely on the government to supply my education needs.
And that is essentially the fault of the party. I've heard nothing but griping by many fellow Republicans about how lousy of a job Bush has done on this, that, or the other but yet they come out and defend the guy and pass in money.

All activists have to do is not show up for these fundraisers. Don't show up for events. Don't give money. Let the support dry up...even if it is just for a month or two. Let Rove and Mehlman see the base is truly dissatisfied and you'll see a huge change. Honestly Rove won't change the ship until he sees enough dissatisfaction mainly in the money area.

It doesn't have to be a long-term revolt. But the party leadership will not deviate until a clear message is sent. If we let Bush drift here or there, he will keep going until his course is reset by the base. If he knows he can get away with it, he'll keep doing it.

Right now there is an arrogance up there that no matter what the polls are saying, they think the base will still come out and support them in November. Well a lot of long-time party activists I've talked to have said they intend on voting but are even contemplating voting Libertarian just to send a message. Why would they do such a thing you ask? Well they're already getting moderate to liberal leaning policies on many issues so if by some chance their vote helps a Dem, it doesn't make a difference. Policies still remain the same.
Right now there is an arrogance up there that no matter what the polls are saying, they think the base will still come out and support them in November. Well a lot of long-time party activists I've talked to have said they intend on voting but are even contemplating voting Libertarian just to send a message. Why would they do such a thing you ask? Well they're already getting moderate to liberal leaning policies on many issues so if by some chance their vote helps a Dem, it doesn't make a difference. Policies still remain the same.

So true and sad at the same time..................
go to google and type in failure and see what pops up as the number 1, pretty interesting.

The world revolves around google and youtube for useful information...........hell in a one listens.......

Duct tape.....ah yes.....before head explodes......

Bush is not a conservative, not sure if he ever claimed to be one.

You don't remember all the "I'm a compassionate conservative" B.S. that he was blathering about?

He's not one of those either.
he's not really much of anything. i think he is what dick cheney and karl rove tell him he is
he's not really much of anything. i think he is what dick cheney and karl rove tell him he is
Considering he governed Texas on much the same principles that he is governing the country with now, I would state that he is the man he has always been.

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