This is your President?

i have honestly yet to see you "prove" anything
It's good ole allvol123. I stopped trying to debate things with him a while back when he would call replies "weak", yet proved he never read them in the first place.

I guess I'm against his "substance" abuse. I won't support it.

You'll thank me one day 123.

It's good ole allvol123. I stopped trying to debate things with him a while back when he would call replies "weak", yet proved he never read them in the first place.

I guess I'm against his "substance" abuse. I won't support it.

You'll thank me one day 123.


What no cartoon to display, very out of character.
Come on, photoshop is rendering those pics useless. Only dems still buy them.
Photoshop is pretty good in placing the caps with the straps on them. If that's Photoshop, someone is quite skilled in including the caps, the straps attaching them to the binos, and having Bush's finger overlapping it. Maybe Reuters and AP are hiring?
Yes OWB, that is MY President and I'm as proud of him as you are of this other lowlife, lieing, cheating, piece of crap...
So I guess Clinton lying about getting a little slob on the knob is worse than dubya lying about phantom weapons to start an unnecessary war.:jpshakehead:
I agree. I am not much of a fan of Bush. But as for Clinton, never understood how people can put their faith in a man to run their country when he can't even maintain a marriage. If you will betray your wife, I am sure you are willing to betray your country.

Thank God George W. Bush didn't betray this country ...
As I said before....screw a woman vs. screw 300 million people...Bill's gotta go Wilt Chamberlain style to catch up to that number.
CSpindizzy exaggerated just a little bit I think.

There were only 281 or so million people living in the US at the last Census, I believe.

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