This Isn’t Working Out (Allen West Statement)

Again. I’ve researched it also the tax increase would dwarf the premium savings. Go look in the thread here I posted links to three non partisan think tank studies. It almost doubles the current tax receipts. It will never happen.

Also I’m going to point out the intangible cost which you almost never hear about. Our free market healthcare system provides nearly all the innovation on drug and procedure research. The rest of the world gets that literally for free. So those other programs you’re comparing to will cease to advance of our free market system ceases. Three of the top five drug research firms are based in the USA last I checked.

These are very real issues that are always ignored in these cherry picked comparative analyses.

Now if you don’t mind me asking what was your degree and what is your profession?
I'm going to guess architecture.
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No thanks. The Republicans should give them hell. I will say that my post was not directed at you personally, but rather the leftists in government.
I understand the passion, and we won’t agree philosophically... but I will say that if we were united in trying to get money out of politics and getting rid of career politicians both left and right ideologies could actually get more productive solutions. Subservience to those who fund reelection campaigns is a scourge that all Americans face.
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I understand the passion, and we won’t agree philosophically... but I will say that if we were united in trying to get money out of politics and getting rid of career politicians both left and right ideologies could actually get more productive solutions. Subservience to those who fund reelection campaigns is a scourge that all Americans face.
We have reached a point of profound agreement
I understand the passion, and we won’t agree philosophically... but I will say that if we were united in trying to get money out of politics and getting rid of career politicians both left and right ideologies could actually get more productive solutions. Subservience to those who fund reelection campaigns is a scourge that all Americans face.
Will never happen. Money and power always find each other.
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There you go - there is our disagreement. Money is currency, speech is an expression through articulate sounds - there is no overlap there

With money being the source of so much of the corruption in politics i’m not sure why ‘money is speech’ is still an opinion that is widely upheld by anyone who is not trying to game the system

Interesting. So now you are saying that burning flags, doing bodily harm to caricatures and dummies, etc isn't "free speech"? You have been supporting the very people who broadened the term "free speech" from written or spoken words expressing articulate thoughts ... supposedly coherent thoughts. This is the problem that liberals generally have. They try (and too often succeed) to force change that benefits them, and then find they screwed up when people start using their ill advised change against them.
On the issue of PACs its near impossible to find a working compromise on private money funding politics. I don’t care how much of your own money you spend. But everybody else’s private money either direct or via PAC or party or lobby should be removed.

There's a much more serious angle to campaign finance than who can contribute whether in the name of free speech or not. When people contribute to politics, they generally want something back. When people contribute money representing corporations, unions, and organizations, they always want something back. Most organizations representing anybody seem to have two goals in mind: buying favorable legislation and selling insurance. Reform in DC (draining the swamp) will never be accomplished without campaign finance reform to end the history of bribes and paybacks. From that perspective, we should eliminate campaign donations and go to publicly funded campaigns - maybe the decrease in money will even force people to approach elections with solid ideas rather than slick advertising.
So you realize to have France as you wish we would have to completely revamp our country. Government and economy policy.

France is a unitary state with extremely strong central control. We are a federalist state. Our government wouldn’t work under the strong central services model we’d pretty much have to dissolve the regional state governments to provide that central control or as a minimum highly dilute them. Then let’s talk about a unitary government over the span of our country size and a population of 350M people. We are 1700% larger area wise and 6x larger population wise. Why do you assume economies of scale will even work?

What these guys don't understand is the EC is similar to the US and European countries are similar to (or would be without federalism) our states. They also fail to understand that EC federalism drove Brexit - the Brits were quick enough to opt out before losing their country to the EC. Without the Brits, countries like France may not fare so well. The other part is that with few exceptions (like some popular cars) it is really hard to see where the EC sells goods (at least consumer goods); and if they had really paid for their own defense, we wouldn't be having a discussion about France being #8 while providing socialist benefits.
I understand the passion, and we won’t agree philosophically... but I will say that if we were united in trying to get money out of politics and getting rid of career politicians both left and right ideologies could actually get more productive solutions. Subservience to those who fund reelection campaigns is a scourge that all Americans face.

Looks like we managed to find some common ground after all!
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Looks like we managed to find some common ground after all!
Except it’s logically contradictory. True conservative policies want limited government, bi-vocational representatives, term limits, etc.

Liberal policies want expanded government. Those two don’t mix.

Sadly, The right has allowed career politicians who are self serving and throw their constituents enough pork to keep getting reelected.
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Interesting. So now you are saying that burning flags, doing bodily harm to caricatures and dummies, etc isn't "free speech"? You have been supporting the very people who broadened the term "free speech" from written or spoken words expressing articulate thoughts ... supposedly coherent thoughts. This is the problem that liberals generally have. They try (and too often succeed) to force change that benefits them, and then find they screwed up when people start using their ill advised change against them.

I have no love for the democratic party. My ideas are my own and not tied to some vacuous psuedo team mentality like mainstream republicans and democrats. Feel free to continue making broad assumptions though

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