This shows you how delusional Vandy is!



Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2011
Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.
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Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.

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Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.

umm we do only have 1 national title after 1965....

although they are beyond delusional and will continue to be until they are back in the football cellar where they belong.

edit: I take that back we did win one in 1967, so yes Vandy fans are morans :crazy:
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Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.

Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.

I say someone should log in to wikipedia and put an asterisk by their national championship claim for this year.

Put something to the effect of "While Vanderbilt technically won the national championship in 2014, their record against bitter in-state Rival Tennessee was 2-2"

A few blocks of Nashville would explode in tears and rage, just for a moment.
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It's tailoring an argument to fit their needs. Those people have an inferiority complex. Is baseball really a "main" sport on the college level? It certainly isn't a revenue producing sport. No, it's not but for the purpose of making the argument they want to make it has to be.
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Normally I'm all about sportsmanship, but after the game last year, the "have fun at home this Christmas" type comments, and the past two losses in general... We really need to crush them mercilessly to reassert our dominance in this state.
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What a ridiculous argument! Have they won a national title other than the one they got this year in baseball? I don't think they have even sniffed one in Men's basketball or football. For a supposed smart school, their fans sure make some of the dumbest comments. And last I checked women's basketball generally has better attendance than baseball if that tells you how important baseball is in the overall pecking order of athletic programs.
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I hate vandy threads:banghead2:

I agree with the sentiment and would point out that we haven't had many of these here since Franklin skipped town. In their hearts, I think most Vandy fans (at least the ones who follow recruiting) know the direction our respective football programs are headed so we don't get many VandyMania trolls over here anymore. Vandy creates such little buzz that I think even the most avid of football fans in Nashville believe that they have hired the former Titans WR (Derrick instead of Derek) Mason.
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Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.

Annnnd how many NCs in football or basketball does Vandy have in its entire history? Exactly. not a single one.

No one seriously considers college baseball a "main" anything - or I would put women's bb up there as well and UT all but created that sport.
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Since 1965 in the three major sports, Mens football and basketball and Womens basketball....

Tennessee has 2 Football National Championships and 8 Womens Basketball National Championships for a total of 10....

Vanderbilt has Zero......Buehler.....Buehler.....Buehler
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I guess they only defer to the Men's side of the sports (and the sports the picked), because they know their school sucks and they also don't have women that can play various sports, want to gain any advantage that they want.

Total Championships Since the cherrypicking year they picked out:

Tennessee 18
Vanderbroke 2

Their state my azz. LOL!

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I see a bunch of outrage, as Vandy comments tend to elicit on here.

But, I'm not seeing what's incorrect about the quote in the OP. The OP's own outraged response simply confirms the statement he was dismissing.
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I see a bunch of outrage, as Vandy comments tend to elicit on here.

But, I'm not seeing what's incorrect about the quote in the OP. The OP's own outraged response simply confirms the statement he was dismissing.

Ain't they a tree on the Plain that needs killin?
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I see a bunch of outrage, as Vandy comments tend to elicit on here.

But, I'm not seeing what's incorrect about the quote in the OP. The OP's own outraged response simply confirms the statement he was dismissing.

Well, you're a Bama fan, so I'll simplify it for you. We won a national championship in 1967 and 1998, 1+1=2, and when discussing popular "main" sports in college athletics, women's bball is just as deserving as men's baseball to be in that group.

1+1=1 (Bama and fake Vandy fan math)
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I see a bunch of outrage, as Vandy comments tend to elicit on here.

But, I'm not seeing what's incorrect about the quote in the OP. The OP's own outraged response simply confirms the statement he was dismissing.

It was not whether it was incorrect or was that only men's sports were considered "major"....That is offensive....
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I see a bunch of outrage, as Vandy comments tend to elicit on here.

But, I'm not seeing what's incorrect about the quote in the OP. The OP's own outraged response simply confirms the statement he was dismissing.

Referring to baseball as a "main sport" and winning a championship tantamount to winning one in football is it's own absurdity...Throw in the #Ourstate and their inferiority complex becomes even more clear...and yes, we could talk about our NC's in women's bball and men's track and field (both outdoor and indoor) and I know we won multiple championships when Gatlin was here but it's easier to just dismiss the crap for what it is.
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