This shows you how delusional Vandy is!

Well, you're a Bama fan, so I'll simplify it for you. We won a national championship in 1967 and 1998, 1+1=2, and when discussing popular "main" sports in college athletics, women's bball is just as deserving as men's baseball to be in that group.

1+1=1 (Bama and fake Vandy fan math)

Be prepared for Bamawriter to tell you the 67 championship is not legitimate.
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I'm glad that Vandy is worth a damn at something.

We need a real instate rival. It will make it a lot more fun once we start blowing them out in football again on a regular basis.

It also shows how much we're in their heads (and vice versa) that they use their baseball national championship to take a shot at Tennessee.

The more they tweet and shout that it's "their state" just proves how far from reality that statement actually is.
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I see a bunch of outrage, as Vandy comments tend to elicit on here.

But, I'm not seeing what's incorrect about the quote in the OP. The OP's own outraged response simply confirms the statement he was dismissing.

Oh look, here comes the Bama troll to make sure Tennessee fans are put in their place again. Thank God.
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How convienent not including Coach Summit's 8 NCAA Championships!

BTW when was the last time Vandy won a NCAA Football championship? Yeah, it's been a while, longer than Cubs drought because they ain't never been that far before! ...except with their Granny!
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Well, you're a Bama fan, so I'll simplify it for you. We won a national championship in 1967 and 1998, 1+1=2, and when discussing popular "main" sports in college athletics, women's bball is just as deserving as men's baseball to be in that group.

1+1=1 (Bama and fake Vandy fan math)

1+1=1 is a perfectly acceptable answer under common core, the bill gates funded "Blue Screen of Death"for K-12 education!
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Referring to baseball as a "main sport" and winning a championship tantamount to winning one in football is it's own absurdity...Throw in the #Ourstate and their inferiority complex becomes even more clear...and yes, we could talk about our NC's in women's bball and men's track and field (both outdoor and indoor) and I know we won multiple championships when Gatlin was here but it's easier to just dismiss the crap for what it is.

Man, thanks! I'd actually forgotten all the NCAA track championships we had won in the late 70's. What about our swim teams? I remember we were also right in the thick of it back then as well.
If you get to count your fake NCs in football, don't ***** and moan when other schools do the same.

Some obscure poll (Dunkel or Litkenhouse) gave Dickey's '67 Vols a NC

You know that I don't count Bama's terrible claim to 1941. So I'm not being hypocritical here. Tennessee did not win the national championship in 1967; USC did.
Vandy is back on schedule to beat UT again in about 30 more years. No guarantees on that, of course.
For years they have been trying to say that Tennis was a major sport. They had a doubles team that lost in a national championship a few years back. Funny that after this year, they don't talk about tennis anymore.

Also, if more comes of the recent NCAA suspension and it turns out they played several games with an ineligible player and have to forfeit games....I may never stop laughing. But going on, Tim Corbin is a great baseball man and teacher, it's the administration and the so called "fans" that they have are what makes Vandy....well Same Ol Vandy.
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Per Vandy: "In the main three sports (baseball, men's basketball, and football), Tennessee only has one national championship after 1965. #Ourstate"

I do believe Tennessee won a National Championship in football in 1998. Gosh those Nerds in Nashville are stupid. Guess that's why they are the only ones who consider their school top 20.

Vandy only has 1 National Title since the dawn of time
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You know that I don't count Bama's terrible claim to 1941. So I'm not being hypocritical here. Tennessee did not win the national championship in 1967; USC did.

They won a poll that was recognized by the NCAA. I know a guy with a ring.
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I just wish we had a NC in women's bowling. That would change everything.
They won a poll that was recognized by the NCAA. I know a guy with a ring.

The Litkenhous System was not a poll. And the school makes the rings. They do not indicate legitimacy. Alabama made rings for the '41 team, and it's still a horrible claim.
You know that I don't count Bama's terrible claim to 1941. So I'm not being hypocritical here. Tennessee did not win the national championship in 1967; USC did.

People tend to forget the true number of Alabama national championships in football...Actually, they won the first one in1635 when they beat a fine Pilgrim team...Since then, they, if I have not miscounted, have a total of 187....That really is the truth of the matter...Even their own fans sometimes forget to count all of those pre 20th Century titles...They did have some fine teams from 1635 to 1900....
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