Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

Send Miss Foster a prayer if you don't mind. Her other daughter just passed. I didn't know her as I only met her once, but to see Miss Foster so tore up is hard to see.
Oh man, that hurts my heart for her. We'll definitely be praying, and if you have a chance please let her know that me and Tiffany will keep her in our prayers.
O Lord, through the passion of the most sacred heart of Jesus, I beseech Thee to heal Tiffany. We thank you for giving her and her family the courage to face the situations so that others may see your perpetual light shining through them, a beacon of strength that overcomes setbacks, and reaffirms your precious love for all. In the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, please hear and bless this prayer O Heavenly Father. Amen
My poor baby, she had a breakdown over missing today 😥. We told her the main thing is for her to get better, but I can understand it hurts her. She just feels like she won't get better, and going to miss everything. Can't really do anything but hold her, and cry with her, breaks my heart.

Joe, I know how hard it is to watch the woman of your dreams suffer. My wife has made that very same statement multiple times during her battle with Lyme's disease. She was very much dependent on an electric wheelchair to get her through the grocery store and to the bathroom at church. She felt like she would die in that chair and it tore my heart out and I wept many bitter tears over it. Her doctor told her that it was the worst case he had ever seen.
I'm glad that I can report to you that now she can walk through the grocery store now and doesn't have to depend on the chair anymore!! To God be the glory!!!! She still has bad days and isn't near where she used to be, but praise be to God that she's a whole lot better than she was!!
I remember praying earnestly before God and thinking nothing seems to be happening. I remember seeing him heal others and yet my darling suffering day after day. I sometimes would question in my heart and ask why God would heal others and yet my darling wife still suffers. Looking back, it's amazing how God used my wife through all of her suffering to help and encourage others. Though at night I could hear her groans and weeping from the pain she would come to church with a smile! God's grace was and is truly sufficient!!
There's truly no telling what God is up to in your lives.... I'm certain that God has a great plan for you and Tiffany! God never wastes pain!! You can have sweet fellowship with him in your darkest hour. I'm glad and thankful that life isn't all storms!! I'm praying that God will send a little bit of sunshine your way!! God's still good in the good times and the bad, through the happy times and the sad!! Hang in there little brother!!
Joe, I know how hard it is to watch the woman of your dreams suffer. My wife has made that very same statement multiple times during her battle with Lyme's disease. She was very much dependent on an electric wheelchair to get her through the grocery store and to the bathroom at church. She felt like she would die in that chair and it tore my heart out and I wept many bitter tears over it. Her doctor told her that it was the worst case he had ever seen.
I'm glad that I can report to you that now she can walk through the grocery store now and doesn't have to depend on the chair anymore!! To God be the glory!!!! She still has bad days and isn't near where she used to be, but praise be to God that she's a whole lot better than she was!!
I remember praying earnestly before God and thinking nothing seems to be happening. I remember seeing him heal others and yet my darling suffering day after day. I sometimes would question in my heart and ask why God would heal others and yet my darling wife still suffers. Looking back, it's amazing how God used my wife through all of her suffering to help and encourage others. Though at night I could hear her groans and weeping from the pain she would come to church with a smile! God's grace was and is truly sufficient!!
There's truly no telling what God is up to in your lives.... I'm certain that God has a great plan for you and Tiffany! God never wastes pain!! You can have sweet fellowship with him in your darkest hour. I'm glad and thankful that life isn't all storms!! I'm praying that God will send a little bit of sunshine your way!! God's still good in the good times and the bad, through the happy times and the sad!! Hang in there little brother!!
Thank you, sincerely appreciate it m
O Lord, through the passion of the most sacred heart of Jesus, I beseech Thee to heal Tiffany. We thank you for giving her and her family the courage to face the situations so that others may see your perpetual light shining through them, a beacon of strength that overcomes setbacks, and reaffirms your precious love for all. In the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, please hear and bless this prayer O Heavenly Father. Amen
My poor baby, she had a breakdown over missing today 😥. We told her the main thing is for her to get better, but I can understand it hurts her. She just feels like she won't get better, and going to miss everything. Can't really do anything but hold her, and cry with her, breaks my heart.
Prayers for the Lord to wrap his arms around Tiffany and give her and all of you strength and healing
O Lord, through the passion of the most sacred heart of Jesus, I beseech Thee to heal Tiffany. We thank you for giving her and her family the courage to face the situations so that others may see your perpetual light shining through them, a beacon of strength that overcomes setbacks, and reaffirms your precious love for all. In the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, please hear and bless this prayer O Heavenly Father. Amen
Everything looks good, wound is still open and the infection around it may still be MRSA, but there's nothing in her blood, and that was the concern. They swabbed the wound, and going to test it. He said even if it still tested positive for MRSA, that she's on two treatments that's help already, and soon as this extra one is over, he's starting her on another to make sure. Gonna do a CT scan of the abdomen, to see if there's anything that may be causing the wound to not be closed yet.
Everything looks good, wound is still open and the infection around it may still be MRSA, but there's nothing in her blood, and that was the concern. They swabbed the wound, and going to test it. He said even if it still tested positive for MRSA, that she's on two treatments that's help already, and soon as this extra one is over, he's starting her on another to make sure. Gonna do a CT scan of the abdomen, to see if there's anything that may be causing the wound to not be closed yet.
It's just one continous ride for y'all isn't. I'm glad it was positive news today! But its gotta be exhausting for y'all.
Everything looks good, wound is still open and the infection around it may still be MRSA, but there's nothing in her blood, and that was the concern. They swabbed the wound, and going to test it. He said even if it still tested positive for MRSA, that she's on two treatments that's help already, and soon as this extra one is over, he's starting her on another to make sure. Gonna do a CT scan of the abdomen, to see if there's anything that may be causing the wound to not be closed yet.

happy to hear the good news and hope y'all will be receiving more soon
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It's just one continous ride for y'all isn't. I'm glad it was positive news today! But its gotta be exhausting for y'all.
Like a roller coaster for real, but we're thankful for anything positive. We just stopped for lunch in Gainesville, and ran into some folks we used to go to church with. They were about to leave, but we found out he's down here for chemo, has colon cancer. So many people fighting different things, it's sad. We all prayed together, it really meant a lot to him for us to do that. That's Tiffany, no matter what she feels, she's always more concerned for someone else.
O Lord, through the passion of the most sacred heart of Jesus, I beseech Thee to heal Tiffany. We thank you for giving her and her family the courage to face the situations so that others may see your perpetual light shining through them, a beacon of strength that overcomes setbacks, and reaffirms your precious love for all. In the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, please hear and bless this prayer O Heavenly Father. Amen
O Lord, through the passion of the most sacred heart of Jesus, I beseech Thee to heal Tiffany. We thank you for giving her and her family the courage to face the situations so that others may see your perpetual light shining through them, a beacon of strength that overcomes setbacks, and reaffirms your precious love for all. In the name of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, please hear and bless this prayer O Heavenly Father. Amen

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