Tiffany's Thread (updates and prayers, and a place where she can smack Joe in public when he needs it :)

Any decent place to eat in the airport, or are you already on the wrong side of the TSA barrier?
We couldn't get a shuttle, wasn't waiting for the flight (it'd already went to 11 before takeoff (. We swapped our car rental, and on our way to rochester. After eating a quick burger, I was hangry.
Update, I did fall asleep in the waiting room 🤣. There's a lot to the Mayo here, different buildings and campuses, we just rode a shuttle to the st Mary's campus. This is the main hospital, as far as in patient if she had surgery and stayed. We actually had to go through a security screen here, I passed kinda😅
Update, I did fall asleep in the waiting room 🤣. There's a lot to the Mayo here, different buildings and campuses, we just rode a shuttle to the st Mary's campus. This is the main hospital, as far as in patient if she had surgery and stayed. We actually had to go through a security screen here, I passed kinda😅
had the security screen people ever seen a midget with a pocketful of Cap'n Crunch before?
Apparently not. I set it off, showed him my keys and inhaler, but not the tobacco 👀. He said it goes off by shape, not metal, I'd say it was the inhaler.
I understand you were stressed out about flying because you're not comfortable with it, and I know you're hungry and it may be a few hours before you get to eat and this security thing you've had to deal with is really unfortunate, but if you don't mind me asking, how's Tiffany?
I understand you were stressed out about flying because you're not comfortable with it, and I know you're hungry and it may be a few hours before you get to eat and this security thing you've had to deal with is really unfortunate, but if you don't mind me asking, how's Tiffany?
She's hurting from the test this morning, and I'm sure this current one will cause the same kind of pain. Both are putting dyes inside of her, to determine exactly where there may be flow issues. It's just forced into her kidneys and those tube's, which is what causes it to hurt. She's staying fairly positive, and hopefully this current one doesn't hurt that bad. I'm watching her number on the screen, and getting texts, she's in recovery now from this one
She's hurting from the test this morning, and I'm sure this current one will cause the same kind of pain. Both are putting dyes inside of her, to determine exactly where there may be flow issues. It's just forced into her kidneys and those tube's, which is what causes it to hurt. She's staying fairly positive, and hopefully this current one doesn't hurt that bad. I'm watching her number on the screen, and getting texts, she's in recovery now from this one
Sure do hope she gets some good help and results this time. I was just messing with you in my last post. Lol, I couldn't pass the opportunity.
We're at the actual mayo clinic building now. This is the actual big building, main campus, but the other place is the main hospital where she'd have surgery if she does. I'm gonna assume that, just from what the results are showing in her portal here. They're showing the issues they found with the camera in Georgia.
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Been a long day, she's nit feeling great from the tests, they were actually small procedures. She had a nap while I played around, and made my hillbilly impact round here😅. Just pray for us tomorrow, she's really nervous that they'll say they can't do anything. Need ger to not worry, and rest good tonight.
Been a long day, she's nit feeling great from the tests, they were actually small procedures. She had a nap while I played around, and made my hillbilly impact round here😅. Just pray for us tomorrow, she's really nervous that they'll say they can't do anything. Need ger to not worry, and rest good tonight.
Praying that Mayo has the answer. 🙏🏻

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