Tim Scott 2024

A vote for Biden is a vote for white supremacy under the rules of the left. A vote against Tim Scott is a vote against all people of color.

Let's see how that works for you in changing the black vote.
I get a chuckle out of Biden being coached to speak low and none threatening like a perv. He still sounds like a dumb bigot.

He has always had a speech impediment. Kudos to you for pointing it out again in case anyone forgot.

I think he's too old to run again and wish the Dems would find someone to stave off Trump. The fact that the country voted for Biden over Trump does suggest on the one hand that Trump is not as strong as we might think. On the other hand, Biden being a calming factor (intentional or not) is what beat Trump last time.

Beating Trump again is a categorical imperative so whatever it takes and if that means I have to vote for Biden again so be it. Just hope it does not come down to that choice.
He has always had a speech impediment. Kudos to you for pointing it out again in case anyone forgot.

I think he's too old to run again and wish the Dems would find someone to stave off Trump. The fact that the country voted for Biden over Trump does suggest on the one hand that Trump is not as strong as we might think. On the other hand, Biden being a calming factor (intentional or not) is what beat Trump last time.

Beating Trump again is a categorical imperative so whatever it takes and if that means I have to vote for Biden again so be it. Just hope it does not come down to that choice.

I'm not sure the speech impediment is the top concern. It's his race to the bottom like we are going downhill backwards on Everest at Animal Kingdom.
He has always had a speech impediment. Kudos to you for pointing it out again in case anyone forgot.

I think he's too old to run again and wish the Dems would find someone to stave off Trump. The fact that the country voted for Biden over Trump does suggest on the one hand that Trump is not as strong as we might think. On the other hand, Biden being a calming factor (intentional or not) is what beat Trump last time.

Beating Trump again is a categorical imperative so whatever it takes and if that means I have to vote for Biden again so be it. Just hope it does not come down to that choice.

And there it is.

Once you get to this point, you can justify almost anything. Cheating. Lying. Voting for a senile old man that is currently running the country into the ground.

Anything. Nothing is off limits. Beating Trump is all that matters. Ladies and gents, this is how Authoritarianism leading to Tyranny begins. You just need to convince yourself and others, that anything done in the name of the cause is ultimately a righteous act.
Trump Reacts to Sen. Tim Scott's 2024 Presidential Announcement

“I’m the candidate the far-left fears the most,” Scott told supporters in his home state of South Carolina on Monday. “When I cut your taxes, they called me a prop. When I re-funded the police, they called me a token. When I pushed back on President Biden, they even called me the n-word. I disrupt their narrative. I threaten their control. The truth of my life disproves their lies.”

He also said of Biden: “This administration has taxed, borrowed, and spent trillions of dollars trying to replace a hand up with handouts. All they bought us was crushing inflation that has devastated families like mine.”
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The problem is that, with Trump in the race, no candidate can win the nomination without out-screeching Trump, and that's tough to do; versus no one out-screeching trump can win the general.

Thanks for advice on how we should select our nominee. We could just say we aren't going to allow a primary much like the Dems have to RFK Jr.

Oh didn't president Biden tell a black man that is he had trouble deciding between him and president then you ain't black? And that poor kids are just as bright as white kids?
He has always had a speech impediment. Kudos to you for pointing it out again in case anyone forgot.

I think he's too old to run again and wish the Dems would find someone to stave off Trump. The fact that the country voted for Biden over Trump does suggest on the one hand that Trump is not as strong as we might think. On the other hand, Biden being a calming factor (intentional or not) is what beat Trump last time.

Beating Trump again is a categorical imperative so whatever it takes and if that means I have to vote for Biden again so be it. Just hope it does not come down to that choice.

Last minute changes to allow for unlimited access to mail in ballots is what beat president Trump last time
The fact that Trump congratulated him on joining the race tells you he had no chance. It's actually an insult.
He has always had a speech impediment. Kudos to you for pointing it out again in case anyone forgot.

I think he's too old to run again and wish the Dems would find someone to stave off Trump. The fact that the country voted for Biden over Trump does suggest on the one hand that Trump is not as strong as we might think. On the other hand, Biden being a calming factor (intentional or not) is what beat Trump last time.

Beating Trump again is a categorical imperative so whatever it takes and if that means I have to vote for Biden again so be it. Just hope it does not come down to that choice.

The hoops you jump through to make excuses for the worst President in the history of presidents is comical: "he has a speech impediment", "he is old and forgets things", "that's just Joe being folksy". The guy is a walking screw up and the Left just can't help making every excuse possible to defend his incompetency. I know the needs of the Party supercede the needs of the people!
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Let's see how that works for you in changing the black vote.

Maybe just maybe everyone could be viewed as just a voter instead of balkanizing everyone into groups? I know that's foreign to you and the Left. I get it though it's hard not to look at everyone's race, sexual preference, and gender when you don't believe there are only two sexes.
The hoops you jump through to make excuses for the worst President in the history of presidents is comical: "he has a speech impediment", "he is old and forgets things", "that's just Joe being folksy". The guy is a walking screw up and the Left just can't help making every excuse possible to defend his incompetency. I know the needs of the Party supercede the needs of the people!

In all fairness, I listened to you guys justify Trump's gaffes, errors and stupidity for years.
You're likely correct, but it's all about the general. Scott would be a much better candidate in the general than the others.
Again I ask, what separates him from the others? Is he just going to be a milquetoast pre-Trump era candidate or does he have something in mind that will actually challenges the Beltway uniparty?
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And I am telling you that the republican party is never going back to the Dick Cheney George Bush party. If you are of a different belief then we are not in the same camp. Mitch McConnell John Cornyn Mittens Romney and the other establishment types can wake up tomorrow and call themselves democrats and I would be totally fine. I am done with the forever war party mentality.
No disrespect at all to Tim Scott. But I want someone running the country who makes people on the other end of the political spectrum want to set their hair on fire. I want someone who will fundamental change the way our government operates. Not a John McCain who lives to cave in to democrats. Tim Scott I believe is a good guy. I long for the day of looking for leaders who are decent and speak lightly. But until then give me someone who will call the fake news media the enemy. This media would portray Tim Scott as Kanye West and I am not certain Senator Scott could do anything besides trying to convince people that he isn't Kanye. I want someone who gives the media the bird. Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Matt Gaetz etc those are the only people that I am supporting. Gone are the days I listen to these types
George W
John McCain
Bob Dole
George W Bush's daddy
This basically summarizes my sentiment about Scott, although I don't necessarily believe the old GOP is dead yet. There are still people that see nothing wrong with the McCains, Romneys and W Bushes. Hell, you have people that would support Nikki Haley.

If Scott isn't about pushing against that, then he is as indistinguishable as any other GOP candidate that they usually run out here.
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Beating Trump again is a categorical imperative so whatever it takes and if that means I have to vote for Biden again so be it. Just hope it does not come down to that choice.
You must have a daily Zoom/Teams meeting where you guys engage in 2 Minutes of Hate with Trump on the monitors.

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