Tim Scott 2024


Maybe Scott proves me wrong, but it’s far more likely he ends up dropping out without ever cracking 15% in an individual state primary and gets thumped by at least two candidates that fit this guy’s criteria.
You're likely correct, but it's all about the general. Scott would be a much better candidate in the general than the others.
The manifesto of a moron

He is explaining the rules of engagement for democrats. You can't be milquetoast against the progressives. That's what they want. I think you can get a constitionalist without the 3rd grade antics though. If that's all were left with then I'd take it over the Biden type all day every day and twice on Sunday's.
How are the above listed establishment Rs benefitting anyone other than themselves? I am not being sarcastic. I am open to a different way of thinking. But Romney is a disingenuous hack who lied about everything to secure the nomination in 2012. There are and were no WMD in Iraq, Mitch McConnell single handedly sent the 2 republican candidate for Senate back to the Senate in murkowski and spent millions of dollars unnecessarily in Ohio while throwing away states like Georgia and Arizona. Mitch also willingly cut the legs from the house republican majority by agreeing with this stupid omnibus bill. So I just fall to see the benefit of 💩 like them. They are but extension members of the democrat party
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81 million voted for senile Joe. Yes, there probably was some buffoonery with the mail in ballots, but still, losing to Biden is an indictment of how bad a candidate Trump is at this point. He has an incredibly loyal base, but his base isn’t enough to win a general election.

Maybe Tim Scott wouldn’t win a general election. He may not even win the nomination. I just know I’d take my chances with him over a loud mouth narcissist who couldn’t beat Joe Biden.

I'd say the buffoonery was quite large with those ballots
My early thoughts. The Republicans have a very strong field that is expected to get stronger. Republicans almost have too strong of a field. I'd rather save some of this bench strength for 2028.

Without emptying the tank on my thoughts this early, I just heard Vivek Ramaswamy on FN. That guy has as impressive ideas as I've heard. He is a strong conservative. He is an immigrant who is a naturalized citizen. He is the early leader for my vote in the primary.

Edit: Sorry I meant to post this in the 2024 Presidential Race thread.
I thought you or a parent must be born in the United States to be a natural born citizen?
I thought you or a parent must be born in the United States to be a natural born citizen?

Someone correctly me and said Vivek parents immigrated and he was born in the US.

However my understanding of naturalization is from remembering middle school civics. There is a process to become be citizen through legal immigration. I know FoxNews Steve Hilton went through the process from England to the US. My guess is leftists like Prince Harry still isn't a US citizen but I'll stand corrected on any of the above.
However my understanding of naturalization is from remembering middle school civics. There is a process to become be citizen through legal immigration.

I would've guessed you are one of those people who think Americans should have to pass a civics test for the right to vote. Bro, you need to study up.
You're likely correct, but it's all about the general. Scott would be a much better candidate in the general than the others.

The problem is that, with Trump in the race, no candidate can win the nomination without out-screeching Trump, and that's tough to do; versus no one out-screeching trump can win the general.
Sr executive experience.

Our VP is more of a PR position, no real responsibilities.
Exactly. Look at how T Roosevelt got the VP job. The oligarchs wanted him emasculated, and being VP was the best way. Too bad about that assassination thingy...
The problem is that, with Trump in the race, no candidate can win the nomination without out-screeching Trump, and that's tough to do; versus no one out-screeching trump can win the general.
Yeah, that's not Scott's style which is why I don't see him getting the nom. DeSantis is trying to go right of Trump, but he has nowhere near the game Trump has. It'll be one of them, though.

Maybe Scott proves me wrong, but it’s far more likely he ends up dropping out without ever cracking 15% in an individual state primary and gets thumped by at least two candidates that fit this guy’s criteria.

The issue Scott will probably run into is that the GOP won’t learn from its mistake in 2016. They’re going to have Trump, probably two maybe three decent choices, and ten turd sandwiches in the running. Having that many names in the pot increases the odds of Trump winning the nomination.
He at least has some executive experience, small insurance agency but it's more than most career politicians.

This country is lucky to have an elder statesman like Joe Biden running the nation. He knows how to build bridges and strengthen our alliances Worldwide! Replacing him with an Uncle Tom like Tim Scott will create a sense of distrust among our valued foreign partners
The GOP has drifted so far into the crazy that it has very few politicians who might qualify as sensible, high-character
individuals and thus appeal to voters who are not christian zealots, rednecks or some moronic combination of the two.

I would venture to guess that you are a middle aged, white, suburban woman because that sounds like something they would say then proceed to vote for Joe Biden
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I'm not. If Scott said he favors deregulation, tax enforcement and elimination of some exemptions for the wealthiest, would continue to support Ukraine, said he doesn't really care much about the so called woke issues and sees it as a distraction from working g on economic issues, I'd say it's better than 50 50 I'd vote for him.

So if he became a Democrat then you would vote for him, bold of you! Not just any politician can pass muster for such a strict Constitutionalist as yourself look no further than Joe Biden. The man keeps a copy of it in his breast pocket right next to his worn out Bible.
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The issue Scott will probably run into is that the GOP won’t learn from its mistake in 2016. They’re going to have Trump, probably two maybe three decent choices, and ten turd sandwiches in the running. Having that many names in the pot increases the odds of Trump winning the nomination.
I’ll be (pleasantly) surprised if Trump ends up needing to rely on a split-vote plurality to win the nomination.
I'm not. If Scott said he favors deregulation, tax enforcement and elimination of some exemptions for the wealthiest, would continue to support Ukraine, said he doesn't really care much about the so called woke issues and sees it as a distraction from working g on economic issues, I'd say it's better than 50 50 I'd vote for him.

Ukraine support is at top of your concerns? Goodness gracious man our nation is in the ditch and we will be very blessed to get it out.
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If this were a business you would have a point because a VP in a corporation is preforming executive duties but in our form of government our VP is pretty much a figure head who doesn't have a real job except campaigning.

Don't you just hate it when Hog is right (what's that saying about blind pigs finding acorns) but the VPOTUS is always a calculation.

Some get along like Obama and Biden and some don't like W and Cheney by the end of the administration. I get the feeling Biden has never liked Harris and felt she was pushed on him. Kennedy basically gave LBJ control of NASA to keep him away from WH. Adams and Jefferson were at each other's throats by the end of Adam's term and didn't even communicate until Adams's wife died. Lincoln didn't like Johnson.

But I have to ask, do you Repubs really think Scott can move the needle? About 2% of your party are white supremacists or sympathizers. You can't afford to lose many of your base voters. Besides Trump is your nominee unless Jack Smith actually convicts him of something.
The problem is that, with Trump in the race, no candidate can win the nomination without out-screeching Trump, and that's tough to do; versus no one out-screeching trump can win the general.

I get a chuckle out of Biden being coached to speak low and none threatening like a perv. He still sounds like a dumb bigot.
A vote for Biden is a vote for white supremacy under the rules of the left. A vote against Tim Scott is a vote against all people of color.

Let's see how that works for you in changing the black vote.

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