To Protect and to Serve II

I’m pretty realistic that there are many within those professions that aren’t built for it. If they aren’t God complexing or power tripping they usually are pretty fair. You aren’t going to see news or internet fodder on those doing right. It’s always the abusers that get spotlighted.
I wish the good ones would start going after the bad apples for a change. If they had gone after the Louisville cop, they wouldn’t be in the position of losing millions if the PGA decides not to return.
The age of eyeborgs is here, Eyeborgs

Meanwhile, total immunity for law enforcement so they enhance getting away with outright lying about their criminal acts, and preventing witnesses.

Soon, they will seek Minority Report incarceration.
About 3 months ago, I was in the local butcher shop and some guy was talking about a neighbor of his that was a deputy... the guy was flying his drone over his patio and close enough to look in his kitchen window. Now if a deputy would behave like this when he's off duty, just imagine what he will get away with if they gave him one while on duty.
About 3 months ago, I was in the local butcher shop and some guy was talking about a neighbor of his that was a deputy... the guy was flying his drone over his patio and close enough to look in his kitchen window. Now if a deputy would behave like this when he's off duty, just imagine what he will get away with if they gave him one while on duty.
Off and on duty, cops have been doing this and worse. Their blue buddies shield them so it doesn't get outed publicly. Often, but not always the very worst incidents are in rural, desert towns, and small out of the way little places. Examples are deputies banging whores or married women right by the roadside.
Disabling cameras to hide illegal activities. That's just to name a few, a lot of worst things they do as well. It runs the gamut of illegalities, name it, it happens.
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They'll all stand by their man

Edit: apparently, the mayor has stepped down after the backlash from standing by their man. Good. If this is what it takes, this is what it takes.
There are times I believe cops shoot so much because they get erotic stimuli each time they pull the trigger.
Edit: apparently, the mayor has stepped down after the backlash from standing by their man. Good. If this is what it takes, this is what it takes.
The state reflexively stand behind each other. The state considers us citizens as their enemy/adversary. Sooner or later, some of you people will realize that these uniformed state officers are (generally) not on your side... and that includes the military.
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The state reflexively stand behind each other. The state considers us citizens as their enemy/adversary. Sooner or later, some of you people will realize that these uniformed state officers are (generally) not on your side... and that includes the military.
The public is gradually becoming their enemy, which is why the rise in cop shootings, roadside vehicular hits when the do traffic stops, ambushes etc. I once wanted to be a cop when a kid. I was raised on Dragnet, Adam 12, Car 54, ChiPs etc. Not anymore. The attitudes of cops have become: I have a gun and a badge. That makes me god on earth. Obey me or die. If you give me lip or are a brownie, I may just kill you for fun. That and 8 times out of 10, they get away with it, even with video, eyewitness, and other evidence that would severely penalize a non-cop. At some point, people reach a saturation level, and act on their resentment. Now, with the prevalence of modern day guns, and lax regulations of ownership, I dare say, cops ain't seen nothing yet.
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The public is gradually becoming their enemy, which is why the rise in cop shootings, roadside vehicular hits when the do traffic stops, ambushes etc. I once wanted to be a cop when a kid. I was raised on Dragnet, Adam 12, Car 54, ChiPs etc. Not anymore. The attitudes of cops have become: I have a gun and a badge. That makes me god on earth. Obey me or die. If you give me lip or are a brownie, I may just kill you for fun. That and 8 times out of 10, they get away with it, even with video, eyewitness, and other evidence that would severely penalize a non-cop. At some point, people reach a saturation level, and act on their resentment. Now, with the prevalence of modern day guns, and lax regulations of ownership, I dare say, cops ain't seen nothing yet.
The one thing that we slightly agree on.
The public is gradually becoming their enemy, which is why the rise in cop shootings, roadside vehicular hits when the do traffic stops, ambushes etc. I once wanted to be a cop when a kid. I was raised on Dragnet, Adam 12, Car 54, ChiPs etc. Not anymore. The attitudes of cops have become: I have a gun and a badge. That makes me god on earth. Obey me or die. If you give me lip or are a brownie, I may just kill you for fun. That and 8 times out of 10, they get away with it, even with video, eyewitness, and other evidence that would severely penalize a non-cop. At some point, people reach a saturation level, and act on their resentment. Now, with the prevalence of modern day guns, and lax regulations of ownership, I dare say, cops ain't seen nothing yet.
Are you aware of the recent study conducted by a Professor at Harvard which disproved the myth LEOs shoot 'people absorbing all the wavelengths of light' at a higher rate than 'people reflecting all the wavelengths of light'?
Are you aware of the recent study conducted by a Professor at Harvard which disproved the myth LEOs shoot 'people absorbing all the wavelengths of light' at a higher rate than 'people reflecting all the wavelengths of light'?
Everything has to be political with you, eh? As for your claim, there are lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics.
Everything has to be political with you, eh? As for your claim, there are lies, damn lies, and then there's statistics.
I fail to see how a study conducted at least twice because the researcher didn't believe the data the first time is political. Furthermore, I didn't ascribe a political party to neither the researcher nor the study. I also didn't make a political angle on your post or my reply.

There's also ignorance, willful ignorance, and stubborn ignorance.
I fail to see how a study conducted at least twice because the researcher didn't believe the data the first time is political. Furthermore, I didn't ascribe a political party to neither the researcher nor the study. I also didn't make a political angle on your post or my reply.

There's also ignorance, willful ignorance, and stubborn ignorance.
Yeah sure, more racist than political, but to me, it's all the same thing. LEOs, it less about light emission and reflection than flat out bias, and knowing their reflecting grants them social privilege not accorded the absorbers. Never mind, we both know the rules of the game. After all, humans gonna human.
Yeah sure, more racist than political, but to me, it's all the same thing. LEOs, it less about light emission and reflection than flat out bias, and knowing their reflecting grants them social privilege not accorded the absorbers. Never mind, we both know the rules of the game. After all, humans gonna human.
Now that you are backtracking on the political angle, I will invite you to backtrack on the racist angle. Where did I claim anything that had a racist motivation? The Professor who lead the study is a black man. And, surprise, he was attacked in the same ignorant way you are attacking me after receiving a simple question as a reply?

Where did i offer any argument that LEOs aren't biased, or prejudiced, or at minimum projecting stereotypes when they are engaged with the public?

Whether you sift through the data is up to you. I happen to think our opinions carry more credibility if they are born out of facts rather than myth or propaganda. But I am not your forum hall monitor. You can read the information I referenced if you so choose.
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Now that you are backtracking on the political angle, I will invite you to backtrack on the racist angle. Where did I claim anything that had a racist motivation? The Professor who lead the study is a black man. And, surprise, he was attacked in the same ignorant way you are attacking me after receiving a simple question as a reply?

Where did i offer any argument that LEOs aren't biased, or prejudiced, or at minimum projecting stereotypes when they are engaged with the public?

Whether you sift through the data is up to you. I happen to think our opinions carry more credibility if they are born out of facts rather than myth or propaganda. But I am not your forum hall monitor. You can read the information I referenced if you so choose.
A Black man shot Malcolm X. Booker T. Washington was a sale put. So were Native American scouts who helped the US cavalry hunt down, kill, and imprison their own people. Personally, I don't care what hue the person is who does research, as long as it is done without bias one way or the other. We are fed so much misinformation, junk news, half-truths, sculptured lies, and Joseph Goebbels-ism, it is a wise policy to be skeptical of practically anything.
I learned that the H A R D way.
A Black man shot Malcolm X. Booker T. Washington was a sale put. So were Native American scouts who helped the US cavalry hunt down, kill, and imprison their own people. Personally, I don't care what hue the person is who does research, as long as it is done without bias one way or the other. We are fed so much misinformation, junk news, half-truths, sculptured lies, and Joseph Goebbels-ism, it is a wise policy to be skeptical of practically anything.
I learned that the H A R D way.
Did you express skepticism or were you patently dismissive?
If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you.
I think my 13 years here, my humor (self deprecating, puns, etc), and the fun we have speaks for itself.

Always happy to have another laughing if the mood strikes you.
A Black man shot Malcolm X. Booker T. Washington was a sale put. So were Native American scouts who helped the US cavalry hunt down, kill, and imprison their own people. Personally, I don't care what hue the person is who does research, as long as it is done without bias one way or the other. We are fed so much misinformation, junk news, half-truths, sculptured lies, and Joseph Goebbels-ism, it is a wise policy to be skeptical of practically anything.
I learned that the H A R D way.
I think what McDad is doing is giving you a reason to be skeptical about your current view point based on some unbiased data he provided.

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