Look EV, as stated previously if you want to have a conversation about "following orders" it wouldn't be the first time it's come up in this thread. Your devaluation of the origin of there, no really, seriously, ever being a confiscation at all is bewildering. Has there ever been an order followed without an order given? AT BEST you might be able to eke out an observation that comes across as "The confiscation orders issued by Democratic leadership wasn't universally rejected outright by some that might vote Republican.". That sound like a strong stance to you? When police chief Eddie Compass announced
"No one will be able to be armed. Guns will be taken. Only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns."
who do you really think is carrying the greater onus of culpability here? (btw Compass resigned 4 days after the successful injunction placed against the legality of the confiscations)
In happier news this mess brought about the Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act.