Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?
It has devolved into a cult. The true conservatives who put country over party are attacked as "RINO's" and targeted with primary challenges. Criticism of Trump isn't tolerated. The GOP is not principled or ideology-based anymore. Policies are becoming increasingly insignificant. It all comes down to a Trump-loving contest for Republicans now. Nobody has integrity, a spine or a conscience.
It has devolved into a cult. The true conservatives who put country over party are attacked as "RINO's" and targeted with primary challenges. Criticism of Trump isn't tolerated. The GOP is not principled or ideology-based anymore. Policies are becoming increasingly insignificant. It all comes down to a Trump-loving contest for Republicans now. Nobody has integrity, a spine or a conscience.

What did any of that have to do with fascism? Can you describe how republicans are fascists?
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I didn't call it fascism. I called it a cult. The OP called it fascism. I was only concurring with his disgust for Republicans. I disagreed with his reasoning for disgust.

Fair. The cult of trump I have issues with too. Some of the anti trump republicans do need to be removed, but not for those reasons
It has devolved into a cult. The true conservatives who put country over party are attacked as "RINO's" and targeted with primary challenges. Criticism of Trump isn't tolerated. The GOP is not principled or ideology-based anymore. Policies are becoming increasingly insignificant. It all comes down to a Trump-loving contest for Republicans now. Nobody has integrity, a spine or a conscience.

That's a really stupid comment and baseless post. Just dumb. I mean look at the redwood in your eye, or more fittingly up your butt.
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?
Ummm….the only party that doesn’t openly mock the word “liberty” is wanting fascism?

I’ll wait…

Knock, knock. Hello, anybody home? How is liberty served by over-throwing an election to install a wannabe dictator? Our liberty relies upon peaceful transfer of power after elections, and the Republican Party now stands squarely opposed.
Knock, knock. Hello, anybody home? How is liberty served by over-throwing an election to install a wannabe dictator? Our liberty relies upon peaceful transfer of power after elections, and the Republican Party now stands squarely opposed.

That’s cute. So would you like provide examples of fascism? I can help you get started.

Requiring people to take vaccines made by large companies if they wish to keep their job, would be an example of fascism.

Your turn
I didn't call it fascism. I called it a cult. The OP called it fascism. I was only concurring with his disgust for Republicans. I disagreed with his reasoning for disgust.

How is a cult not fascist? Everybody in the cult must obey the leader of the cult, who enforces his personal control. Mold a political party and a government with that model and what you have is a fascist dictatorship.
How is a cult not fascist? Everybody in the cult must obey the leader of the cult, who enforces his personal control. Mold a political party and a government with that model and what you have is a fascist dictatorship.

Name his worst most fascist policies. I’ll start:

Banning bump stocks.

What do you have?
You will get likes from the peanut gallery of leftists. At least you'll recognize whose house it's ok to break in.

When you reply to me, can you please say something that is not on this level of stupid? I really would appreciate it if you can.
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How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?
Any real examples of them being any different than the Dems or you just had a few minutes while sitting on the can?

Threads should be created for actual discussion not just any thought that pops in your head
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?

This is rich when you look at what dimocrat & left leaning progressive Mayors, Governors and Goverments have been doing to their city's, states & countries the last 18-24 months.

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