Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

LMFAO. Surely you can do better than that. Parent's are legally obligated to send their children to school. The majority of people lack the time or funding not to send their kids to school. You're mistaking compliance with approval.

No, I am equating a lack of griping + compliance as approval. Don't be so obtuse. You can give up points and still make a intelligent argument.
Getting your socialist buddies running the technology companies to suppress conservative ideas (or outright ban the individuals posting them) = Fascism

Yep, and coordinating messages from the government and suppressing any dissenting messages.
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Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. I cited a Republican policy to overthrow our Constitution by overthrowing a lost election. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.

Happy 1/6 BTW!
He’s FOS as usual. He’s referring to the mandatory vaccines for kids going to public schools which is completely different than forcing private employers to fire people for not taking a vaccine.

It's also different than saying it's supported. If 90% of people forced to either resign or take the vaccine, take the vaccine, that does not mean 90% of them supported that mandate.
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They had a mostly peaceful protest that lasted one day. That's an overthrow attempt?
With one of the protesters murdered with no repercussions. Protesters didn't kill or harm anyone. Didn't steal any private property or destroy any businesses. Didn't burn anything.
No, I am equating a lack of griping + compliance as approval. Don't be so obtuse. You can give up points and still make a intelligent argument.

That's not the same. You should at least be honest with your claims. If you wanted to state the majority of people did not gripe and complied with forcing vaccination of their children, I could agree. But that's not the argument you made. You over played your hand.
With one of the protesters murdered with no repercussions. Protesters didn't kill or harm anyone. Didn't steal any private property or destroy any businesses. Didn't burn anything.

Again it's amazing the amount of support you guys give the "peaceful protesters." Either destroying property is wrong or it's right. Be consistent.
With one of the protesters murdered with no repercussions. Protesters didn't kill or harm anyone. Didn't steal any private property or destroy any businesses. Didn't burn anything.
She wasn't murdered and actually they did many of those things. Assault, theft, fires, etc did happen
That's not the same. You should at least be honest with your claims. If you wanted to state the majority of people did not gripe and complied with forcing vaccination of their children, I could agree. But that's not the argument you made. You over played your hand.

No, but you just cannot give in on any point.
That's not the same. You should at least be honest with your claims. If you wanted to state the majority of people did not gripe and complied with forcing vaccination of their children, I could agree. But that's not the argument you made. You over played your hand.

The anti-vaxers were almost universally mocked until this one. That's approval there tater.
It is amazing how different the descriptions of the protests are depending upon which side of the fence you fall on.
If that was a real right wing attempt to overthrow there would have been more violence. There wouldn't have been as many Dems with gun charges as repubs. The left can't spend all that effort demonizing the right's love of guns and then claim a violent insurrection occured without any. One of those narratives has to be false
No, but you just cannot give in on any point.

I can give in on they did not gripe and complied. But once again, that wasn't your claim. You made a specific claim, which I honestly assumed you had polling data to back up. Then you moved the goal post to similar but different claim.

So....if you want to proclaim most parents have not griped and complied with all other vaccines their children are forced to take to attend public schools, I would happily give in to that.

But that's not what you said: "It's funny that an overwhelming majority of Americans were in favor of vaccine mandates for children, but now it's fascism."

That's not the same thing. There's a lot of laws and regulations most people comply and don't gripe with, that they are not "in favor of"
If that was a real right wing attempt to overthrow there would have been more violence. There wouldn't have been as many Dems with gun charges as repubs. The left can't spend all that effort demonizing the right's love of guns and then claim a violent insurrection occured without any. One of those narratives has to be false

You can't overthrow the government with your AR15!

the same people

Those unarmed people almost overthrew our government!
She wasn't murdered and actually they did many of those things. Assault, theft, fires, etc did happen
Considering recent police cases and convictions, she was murdered. I would call it first degree since he stepped out of the doorway and shot her point blank and had to have decided on that approach should someone try to come through that entry way. She held no weapon and could have been easily subdued by other means while trying to come through the window. I didn't pay much attention to it in total because it was doomed from the start. Other than minor damage to the entry ways and some petty theft of articles in offices, I pretty sure they didn't do nearly as much harm as one night of the BLM protests. I didn't and don't condone the action, but the gum flapping fits by the left is just disgusting and another illustration of the lengths they will go to justify faux anger.
Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. I cited a Republican policy to overthrow our Constitution by overthrowing a lost election. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.

Could you please link this particular policy? And if it was just a proposed policy, that should be public record as well. I would love to read it.
Other than minor damage to the entry ways and some petty theft of articles in offices, I pretty sure they didn't do nearly as much harm as one night of the BLM protests. I didn't and don't condone the action, but the gum flapping fits by the left is just disgusting and another illustration of the lengths they will go to justify faux anger.
That wasn't your claim. You said they didn't happen which simply isn't true.
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