Today's GOP Not The Party of Lincoln

Any real examples of them being any different than the Dems or you just had a few minutes while sitting on the can?

Threads should be created for actual discussion not just any thought that pops in your head

Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. Thanks.
So you have no actual policies you can point to. Alright now Biden. I'll start.

Forcing American's to take a vaccine made by a private company if they wish to keep their job=Fascism.

It's funny that an overwhelming majority of americans were in favor of vaccine mandates for children, but now it's fascism.
It's funny that an overwhelming majority of americans were in favor of vaccine mandates for children, but now it's fascism.

Of course it's fascism. Are you arguing that it is not, or just that it is an acceptable form?

Where's your polling on that? You may be right, but I've never seen it. No medical procedure should be forced on anyone.
So you have no actual policies you can point to. Alright now Biden. I'll start.

Forcing American's to take a vaccine made by a private company if they wish to keep their job=Fascism.

Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. I cited a Republican policy to overthrow our Constitution by overthrowing a lost election. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.
Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.

The only way to have a discussion is as a form of comparison and you've not provided anything to misunderstand.
Of course it's fascism. Are you arguing that it is not, or just that it is an acceptable form?

Where's your polling on that? You may be right, but I've never seen it. No medical procedure should be forced on anyone.

My polling... most kids go to school, right?
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Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. I cited a Republican policy to overthrow our Constitution by overthrowing a lost election. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.
They had a mostly peaceful protest that lasted one day. That's an overthrow attempt?
How is the Republican Party not a criminal racket, determined to overthrow our Constitution by installing a fascist government?

True, the Dems are more the party of Lincoln. Complete disregard for the constitution and civil liberties is Lincolnesque.
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You can think of me as you will, but unless you reply to my post with a valid argument, it stands.

Your premis is completely unfounded, you're not going to comprehend any logical response. It's just silly, no evidence to support the silliness.
Of course it's fascism. Are you arguing that it is not, or just that it is an acceptable form?

Where's your polling on that? You may be right, but I've never seen it. No medical procedure should be forced on anyone.

He’s FOS as usual. He’s referring to the mandatory vaccines for kids going to public schools which is completely different than forcing private employers to fire people for not taking a vaccine.
Please try reading my posts for the purpose of understanding, instead of misunderstanding and reacting. I cited a Republican policy to overthrow our Constitution by overthrowing a lost election. Thanks. BTW, diverting attention away from my post by talking about a Democratic policy that's a topic for another thread is a worn out evasion tactic. If you want to post about another topic, you should goto the thread for that topic.
You keep using that word, “policy”. I do not think it means what you think it means.
So you have no actual policies you can point to. Alright now Biden. I'll start.

Forcing American's to take a vaccine made by a private company if they wish to keep their job=Fascism.
Getting your socialist buddies running the technology companies to suppress conservative ideas (or outright ban the individuals posting them) = Fascism
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It's funny that an overwhelming majority of americans were in favor of vaccine mandates for children, but now it's fascism.
What the hell have you been reading? I haven't heard of ANYBODY that was in favor of vaccine mandates for children.

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