After hundreds of years of women suffrage the Democratic Party has found a way to set women back another hundred years.
After years of fighting for equality, title 9, the right to vote, and equal pay the party of the woke old rich white peoples have found a way to put women back in their place. I find it quite funny on one hand that the angry blue, purple, and green hair feminist that scream at the sky for their “equality” has rolled over for the old white liberal rich people so they can pander to another group who believe that America is oppressive to them. While on the other hand I feel sad for all the women who worked hard to earn a spot on the Olympic team only to have their dreams and spot taken by a man who believes he is a woman.
When you were a child your parents told you that you could do anything thing in life you wanted. That was a lie. Most people are not athletic enough to earn a spot on an Olympic team, but in the magically world of Joe Biden’s America if you are a male that can’t compete with other males than you can identify as a female and compete against girls.