Trevor Bauer

We have found the only person on Earth that thinks this call is a good look for Trevor Bauer lol, not sure even Clay Travis or the Barstool bros will go that far
We have found the only person on Earth that thinks this call is a good look for Trevor Bauer lol, not sure even Clay Travis or the Barstool bros will go that far

Still not admitting you made things up?

In your mind an MLB pitcher was just unloading haymakers on this girls face until she lost consciousness, and yet there were no fractures? And yet there’s a video she makes winking at the camera after?

Either this girl has a wolverine style adamantium skeleton, or she’s lying.

And your only evidence for him punching her is that he doesn’t try to argue with her on the phone and that she says he did? Meanwhile we know she’s changed her story from the original police report right and has proclaimed multiple times this was consensual?
We have found the only person on Earth that thinks this call is a good look for Trevor Bauer lol, not sure even Clay Travis or the Barstool bros will go that far
Good? No. Bad? Not really. Seems to be no disagreement as to what was expected. Her "gotcha" call resulted in nothing for a reason.
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What specifically are you even calling a strawman? You said I was wrong. I’m asking you how. All you’ve done is cry and avoid
“Lmfao. Obviously not continuing with defamation charges against someone who has dropped charges against him proves he’s guilty”

☝️This was the strawman. And you knew it, because you switched to a different strawman after you got called out for it.

Actually, there are two in that linked post, alone.

This is your M.O., to misconstrue what anybody else says to the point that you feel it is too stupid to require an original thought in response. You’ve been called out for it too many times to not know you’re doing it. It is clearly intentional. You don’t get to demand good faith discussion when you refuse to engage in good faith discussion.
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“Lmfao. Obviously not continuing with defamation charges against someone who has dropped charges against him proves he’s guilty”

☝️This was the strawman. And you knew it, because you switched to a different strawman after you got called out for it.

Actually, there are two in that linked post, alone.

This is your M.O., to misconstrue what anybody else says to the point that you feel it is too stupid to require an original thought in response. You’ve been called out for it too many times to not know you’re doing it. It is clearly intentional. You don’t get to demand good faith discussion when you refuse to engage in good faith discussion.

Is it a strawman? You’ve openly mocked everyone here who believes he’s innocent. You clearly are holding it against him that he dropped the charges. You seem to be treating him as guilty and using the fact that he dropped charges as part of your argument. The only things I’ve seen you state for why you feel this way is that he dropped charges and that a court didn’t dismiss the case. Am I missing something?

You started the discussion by mocking everyone else in the discussion. Yes, clearly it’s my fault it’s not a good faith discussion. Once again, you’re pretending to be a victim.
Is it a strawman? You’ve openly mocked everyone here who believes he’s innocent. You clearly are holding it against him that he dropped the charges. You seem to be treating him as guilty and using the fact that he dropped charges as part of your argument. The only things I’ve seen you state for why you feel this way is that he dropped charges and that a court didn’t dismiss the case. Am I missing something?

You started the discussion by mocking everyone else in the discussion. Yes, clearly it’s my fault it’s not a good faith discussion. Once again, you’re pretending to be a victim

You played dumb like you needed an explanation and now I’m pretending to be the victim for giving you one? Big brain stuff over here.

You played dumb like you needed an explanation and now I’m pretending to be the victim for giving you one? Big brain stuff over here.

I wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing. I responded to you multiple times and each response contained multiple sentences. So yes, I wanted to know what specifically you considered a strawman.

You have a victim complex for coming into a thread and calling everyone who disagrees with you clowns for defending him and then providing nothing other than he dropped his case and the judge didn’t dismiss her case as your reasoning.

Yes, you have a victim complex. You’re complaining that I’m failing to engage in a good faith discussion with you…but you literally started by calling everyone else in the thread clowns.
You’re complaining that I’m failing to engage in a good faith discussion with you…but you literally started by calling everyone else in the thread clowns.

You never engage in a good faith discussion. With anybody. Why would I care this time?

I’d have to expect better to care.

I don’t expect anything different from you.

That’s why you’re one of the zero tolerance ass clowns who just gets mocked as soon as you start your ****. It’s why you can go back and look at your replies to me and see about 3 years of you crying like a little bitch about me not responding to your specific points. Just like you were doing for the last two pages.

Recognizing that you’ll just misrepresent what I say and mocking you instead of engaging is a unique victim complex, I’ll give you that much. Seems like a clue as to why you resort to the “lol, [strawman],” routine to avoid expressing original thought.

I called you a clown and called somebody else shortbus and you think I’m complaining about civility? You’re delusional.

You never engage in a good faith discussion. With anybody. Why would I care this time?

I’d have to expect better to care.

I don’t expect anything different from you.

That’s why you’re one of the zero tolerance ass clowns who just gets mocked as soon as you start your ****. It’s why you can go back and look at your replies to me and see about 3 years of you crying like a little bitch about me not responding to your specific points. Just like you were doing for the last two pages.

Recognizing that you’ll just misrepresent what I say and mocking you instead of engaging is a unique victim complex, I’ll give you that much. Seems like a clue as to why you resort to the “lol, [strawman],” routine to avoid expressing original thought.

I called you a clown and called somebody else shortbus and you think I’m complaining about civility? You’re delusional.

I have plenty of good faith conversations with people on here. Don’t blame your inability to do so on me.

You came into this thread calling people clowns for defending the man. You then brought up him dropping charges and her charges not being dismissed. I put those things together as you must believe he’s guilty due to those things, since you’ve provided nothing else. This lead to multiple replies of you crying about strawman arguments.

So lay your argument out. Why does it make one a clown to defend him? Do you have anything better to point to than the two things you’ve previously mentioned?
People are into weird shat. If there weren't others accusing him of being a rapist/assaulter I'd give him a pass on this with her.
I would think that since the first one turned out to be fake that someone would be a little more skeptical of the others considering that you don't know any of the people involved.
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People are into weird shat. If there weren't others accusing him of being a rapist/assaulter I'd give him a pass on this with her.
When I was in college I hooked up with a young lady that told me to hit her while we were screwin’…..I found it very odd and the first thing I thought was “hell no…. she’s baiting me”…..
Does the fact that her lawyers and her released doctored photos of her with a black eye to tmz make any difference to your view???

Also how easy to obtain a restraining order to get??? She was denied an RO.

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