Trevor Bauer

I’m not a victim. Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re too insecure to have an honest discussion and pull this strawman nonsense in every thread with everybody, not just me. Is there anything worth reading after that?

What specifically are you even calling a strawman? You said I was wrong. I’m asking you how. All you’ve done is cry and avoid
What specifically are you even calling a strawman? You said I was wrong. I’m asking you how. All you’ve done is cry and avoid
I literally spelled it out for you, and you abandoned it in future posts so don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.
That’s bullshot and you know that. What lawyer is going to take a suit on contingency against someone of marginal means when the plaintiff is wealthy? A damn stupid one.
Yeah that’s a fair point.

Doesn’t change the fact that he’s still paying to be coached through this and has undeniable advantage over her in this format.
Without checking back over the last 5 pages, has anyone tried to tie this in even tangentially to how everything is rigged against Donny or evoked Hunters corruption and missing laptop?
Only post mentioning Trump have been by the left wing nut jobs. 🤣
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I literally spelled it out for you, and you abandoned it in future posts so don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about.

Circles and deflection. It’s all I get from you. What specific claim of yours am I misrepresenting? It’s possible I did. I’ll even apologize if I did so, but to ask you to tell me isn’t much to ask.

You’re still avoiding all the facts of this class. Pretending he’s in some way a bad person or possibly guilty of something, and refusing to back any of that up. Instead we are still on the victim game where you pretend to be misrepresented and refuse to state about what.
Wrong and dumb. If there was “literally nothing here,” her claim wouldn’t have survived motion for summary judgment and he wouldn’t have settled his claim (for no money.)

He relinquished a chance at having an impartial judge decide the case based on all of the relevant evidence in favor of doing a media tour where he selectively present evidence to persuade stupid people that there was nothing there.

I’ll make this easy for you. What was wrong and dumb? What was here?

You’re about 5 replies in and haven’t even attempted to address this
Now that's just lazy. 🤣
I don't know or care much about Trevor Bauer's case, but I will say that the election deniers spend a lot of time saying "there were thousands of affidavits" without actually linking the affidavits or posting the parts that show what they knew or how they knew it.
I don't know or care much about Trevor Bauer's case, but I will say that the election deniers spend a lot of time saying "there were thousands of affidavits" without actually linking the affidavits or posting the parts that show what they knew or how they knew it.
You guys just can't do it can you? You have to try and weave it back around to Trump. 😅
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Just thinking about all the times affidavits have been mention without question in PF.
Pretty much means "whatever". A thread that has zero to do with Trump, or election or whatever, and several libs have have tried to inject it into this thread. Pretty telling if you ask me.
Somebody mentioned affidavits. It made me think of all the time affidavits get mentioned on PF
Sorry if it upsets you.
Not upset here. Quite the opposite. The obsession you lefties have with Trump is very entertaining.
Oh. Let's take Trump or Trevor Bauer out of it. Are you okay with somebody saying, "there are affidavits," without linking them or pointing to the relevant points of the affidavit in question?
Oh. Let's take Trump or Trevor Bauer out of it. Are you okay with somebody saying, "there are affidavits," without linking them or pointing to the relevant points of the affidavit in question?
They were linked. Maybe you should read the thread before you break out the Trump stuff.

That was my point with 85. It said in his post, he didn't want to go through a 40 page affidavit.
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They were linked. Maybe you should read the thread before you break out the Trump stuff.

That was my point with 85. It said in his post, he didn't want to go through a 40 page affidavit.
So the election people posting about thousands of affidavits and not linking them or the relevant portions about the affiants' personal knowledge is okay?

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