Trivia Question: What head football coach has lost the most times to Tennessee?

. . . nor does this question necessarily presuppose a lengthy tenure at only one rival institution. I had forgotten the pre-Alabama game, sacrificial-lamb relationship which we had with Chattanooga for so long. Scrappy Moore was their head coach from 1931-1967 and lost 25 out of 26 games to us in that period. Backwards K deserves credit for first pointing out that information. I don't know if Chattanooga would have been considered a Division 1-A program for any portion of that period, however.

I should have originally worded this question as follows: “What FBS head football coach has lost the most games, over the course of his entire career, to Tennessee?” This is the context within which I was thinking in originally posing the question and it is the context, I am sure, that the broadcast team was working from in their commentary. This, of course, would take us back to the original conundrum with which we have been wrestling. And, when all is said and done, the correct answer, framed in that context, might still be the legendary Bear Bryant.
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General Robert Neyland Quotes

"Tennessee sophomores don't deserve citizenship papers until they have survived an Alabama game"

"You never know what a football player is made of until he plays Alabama"
I had heard somewhere that he was interviewed by some Texas (state of) sportswriters on the way to a Texas/Aggies game and he was asked what the premier college rivalry was. They mentioned several with Tx/TAM being one (and none from the SEC) and he came back with UT/Bama and being the premier (I paraphrase) rivalry in the entire country. I don't know where I heard this, but having grown up as a Bear fan and then learning my true blood color, I can't imagine EVER having a year where we didn't play Bama. I truly believe both schools should make the scheduling changes necessary to ensure this game is played the 3 Saturday in October every year.
General Robert Neyland Quotes

"Tennessee sophomores don't deserve citizenship papers until they have survived an Alabama game"

"You never know what a football player is made of until he plays Alabama"

Thanks for those "annual measuring stick/rite of passage" quotes.
tennessee has had a great deal of success against florida and alabama since then.

Fulmer's decline put us in that hole, and Kiffin leaving when he did was the competitive equivalent of heavy NCAA sanctions. The moment I heard he left, I knew we were screwed for 3+ years. Someone on VN even started the Official We're Boned Thread. Lol. I look forward to the day that we no longer have to listen to rival fans (and UT fans) say we should have kept Fulmer. A lot of people on here believed Dooley deserved another year up to the Vandy game.
because of how good tennessee football has been, a lot of people like to believe the 90's was the norm.

it's not

Same could be said for the gators.....Spurrier & Meyer's runs were definitely NOT the norm for the lizards...and you are correct--except for Neyland's years on the Hill...half of the teams he beat didn't even score on the Vols...:salute:
Same could be said for the gators.....Spurrier & Meyer's runs were definitely NOT the norm for the lizards...and you are correct--except for Neyland's years on the Hill...half of the teams he beat didn't even score on the Vols...:salute:

Except the ones that matter the most, recruits, Florida has been great their whole lives.
Except the ones that matter the most, recruits, Florida has been great their whole lives.

That's the problem. The kids coming on campus this fall were born in 1995. When UT last won an SEC title (& NC) they were 3. They have no recollection of UT being elite.

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