Truck Driver gets 110 years

Sometimes the company I worked for would send me out to drive the bob-truck (like a big U-Haul truck) to deliver or to pick up materials. Never once did I think about the brakes or I don't recall even looking their way to inspect. I went as far as to Memphis & south to Tupelo, MS. I was a lucky one to not have any bad situations, like a wreck, to happen. Must have been that "angel on my shoulder" thing with me.
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Brakes are on the pre-trip inspection checklist. The driver is supposed to visually inspect them every day, most don't so this is a great teaching tool for other drivers.

110 years for an accident is a little extreme. Next time someone runs a red light and causes a fatality are you advocating jail time?
110 years for an accident is a little extreme. Next time someone runs a red light and causes a fatality are you advocating jail time?

Yes. There are extremely few vehicle accidents, there are crashes caused by inattention, impairment, lack of skill/experience and deferred maintenance but very very few accidents.
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That’s fine but he chose to go to trial and not to plea. He likely would’ve received 10 years or less

Seems like he had **** lawyers. Also seems like the DA way over charged him (as what frequently happens), likely in an attempt to get him to agree plea to a deal.
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I understand what you are saying as far as company owned equipment and it’s responsibility in keeping it maintained, but there’s a couple of things that puts 98% of the blame on him . Before you accept a truck or load you do a pre-trip check off list and once you do that and accept it .. The driver is fully responsible for that truck, that load and what happens with it .
Excellent point. When you put it that way, he should carry much more of the blame than what I've been ascribing to him.
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Seems like he had **** lawyers. Also seems like the DA way over charged him (as what frequently happens), likely in an attempt to get him to agree plea to a deal.
He’s a moron either way. He should’ve taken the plea deal. The lawyer thought he would get off because he’s an immigrant
He pulled over twice on the trip because he knew his brakes were failing before he ever went up the mountain. He also went 90 mph down the mountain and avoided at least three places he could’ve crashed the truck with no one around
Sounds like he deserves his sentence
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Yes. There are extremely few vehicle accidents, there are crashes caused by inattention, impairment, lack of skill/experience and deferred maintenance but very very few accidents.

We've got the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world and you think we need to add unintentional driving acts to the tally. Sorry, I think that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post.
We've got the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world and you think we need to add unintentional driving acts to the tally. Sorry, I think that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post.

We have WAY too many laws. But...

Should America institute other forms of punishment which exists in elsewhere since our incarceration is compared to other countries?
We have WAY too many laws. But...

Should America institute other forms of punishment which exists in elsewhere since our incarceration is compared to other countries?

Are you talking first world solutions or are you wanting to get medieval on people.
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Are you talking first world solutions or are you wanting to get medieval on people.
Either. Both. The discussion is interesting to me.

We incarcerate everyone. Other countries use other forms of punishment for lesser crimes.
We've got the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world and you think we need to add unintentional driving acts to the tally. Sorry, I think that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post.

Stop the WoDs and only incarcerate those that actually hurt others. Plus knowing a stiff prison sentence will be the result of negligence behind the wheel might get people to start driving a little better.
We've got the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world and you think we need to add unintentional driving acts to the tally. Sorry, I think that is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen you post.
Depends on how narrowly/broadly you are applying the term "uninentional".

Using your cell phone while driving, unintentionally hits the car in front.

Driving while it's raining, dont slow down for a curve, unintentionally hit another driver.

Trying to park/leave a parking spot and unintentionally drive your car into a building full of people.

To use different terms there is a whole lot of vehicular assault and manslaughter, but very little premeditated vehicular murder.
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It goes back to my belief that there are almost no vehicular accidents and we need to quit labeling them as such.
I think there are plenty of ways that accidents can happen that aren't due to operator error, a blowout comes to mind as a common one.
What isn't clear to me is what kind of truck was this and what kind of brakes did it have on it? My motorhome has air brakes on it and I don't have any clue how I could visually inspect the brakes on it other than to test them before I start a trip, which I always do.
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It goes back to my belief that there are almost no vehicular accidents and we need to quit labeling them as such.

Have you ever unintentionally run a red. I am not talking about playing on the phone or drinking or anything like that. Just not paying good enough attention and ran red light or stop sign?
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