Truck Driver gets 110 years

Seems to me that is a civil engineering problem. Either they find a way to straighten out the road (expensive) or consider adding in speed bumps or rumble strips (relatively cheaper) leading up to turn.

They could have straightened it years ago, but now would have to do the strips and/or a flashing yellow lights.
The DA offered him a deal with lesser charges and he refused and demanded a trial by jury and he was found guilty. The judge was hamstrung by mandatory sentence guidelines based on the number of charges.

No one to blame but himself

Obviously the DA deserves blame
We've got one in Andersonville here in Anderson County. It's just one that sneaks up on you on hwy 61. Straight aways on either side of it and if you aren't paying attention and going too fast you can be in trouble. Some bad roll over wrecks there over the years, including one that involved 5 high school students. 4 out of the 5 were seriously injured.

Some personal friends were part of the EMS crew that works that one. Assuming you’re talking about the one that happened within the last year
You are assuming poor training. That's not clear yet
Whether there was poor training or not that company will be flamed in court. Single fatality accidents where the trucker did nothing wrong have resulted in 80M+ verdicts so I bet this crosses 100M easily unless the trial happens in a very conservative venue and even then it’s a gamble. The company would be wise to settle out of court.
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I understand what you are saying as far as company owned equipment and it’s responsibility in keeping it maintained, but there’s a couple of things that puts 98% of the blame on him . Before you accept a truck or load you do a pre-trip check off list and once you do that and accept it .. The driver is fully responsible for that truck, that load and what happens with it .
Yep. Pre-trip and post-trip every single time. Every driver knows that.
Some personal friends were part of the EMS crew that works that one. Assuming you’re talking about the one that happened within the last year

Wow, sounds like I didn't know about that one. This one was about 5 years ago. The victims became known as the AC 5.
Wow, sounds like I didn't know about that one. This one was about 5 years ago. The victims became known as the AC 5.

Group of kids were in the back of a truck in Anderson county within probably the last 6 months. I believe all were underage. At least one fatality. When I think back though I don’t think this was Andersonville. I think it was Claxton
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