Trump announces running in 2024

BREAKING: It's Official! Trump is running in 2024..."I'll see you in 4 years"

By Alice Palmer,
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Trump officially confirmed that he's running for office again in 2024 and launched an official fundraiser which is actually giving away a 'first come first served' special gift to all Americans as a token of his appreciation for their loyalty and support.

(Washington, D.C.) – The Trump team just announced his new Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign that also serves as a fundraiser which will provide all Americans with free "immunity boosting" supplements.

Officials say the Trump administration is conducting the fundraiser, known as the Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign to raise funds for the 2024 elections which can cost hundreds of millions.

The reason why they are providing Americans with free "immunity boosting" supplements is because a "more severe" coronavirus variant is expected to arrive in the US this year.

Sean Hannity
"It's completely free. All you have to do is pay for shipping, which is a couple of dollars, and you can have a safe, non-prescription, pain remedy to treat arthritis, chronic pain, joint aches, inflammations & other ailments including immunity support. Every time someone supports, the shipping and handling proceeds will be donated to President Trump's Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign. We don't have the support of giant corporations or rich celebrities like the Democrats do, but we have the support of everyday hard working Americans."
Yes sir, let’s do it!

BREAKING: It's Official! Trump is running in 2024..."I'll see you in 4 years"

By Alice Palmer,
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Trump officially confirmed that he's running for office again in 2024 and launched an official fundraiser which is actually giving away a 'first come first served' special gift to all Americans as a token of his appreciation for their loyalty and support.

(Washington, D.C.) – The Trump team just announced his new Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign that also serves as a fundraiser which will provide all Americans with free "immunity boosting" supplements.

Officials say the Trump administration is conducting the fundraiser, known as the Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign to raise funds for the 2024 elections which can cost hundreds of millions.

The reason why they are providing Americans with free "immunity boosting" supplements is because a "more severe" coronavirus variant is expected to arrive in the US this year.

Sean Hannity
"It's completely free. All you have to do is pay for shipping, which is a couple of dollars, and you can have a safe, non-prescription, pain remedy to treat arthritis, chronic pain, joint aches, inflammations & other ailments including immunity support. Every time someone supports, the shipping and handling proceeds will be donated to President Trump's Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign. We don't have the support of giant corporations or rich celebrities like the Democrats do, but we have the support of everyday hard working Americans."

Did you fall for this or are you just trying to see if others will?
You all got your way, one party rule and you all are still bitter and angry. Enjoy your *victory

Justin, you are the absolute last person to accuse anyone of being bitter and angry around here. It's literally why your dumb ass was banned in the first place, and it's why your dumb ass is back for more.
Justin, you are the absolute last person to accuse anyone of being bitter and angry around here. It's literally why your dumb ass was banned in the first place, and it's why your dumb ass is back for more.

Wait.....It is Justin!!!

I really hope he runs again, I mean he'll have to wait until the NYAG gets done with him but please run. Some of you staunch supporters send him money, he needs it lol
Politicians in the GOP are between a rock and a very hard place. A third of Republican voters are so alienated that they believe the most extreme propaganda and conspiracy theories, however wildly false. Their hero just incited an insurrection and directed a mob to attack the Capitol, which is not strictly legal. Then there are the neoconservative lurkers, who are offering financial backing to Republicans who are vulnerable to being "primaried" after going against Trump's whims and dictates. So the dangerous political criminals in the Republican Party who misled the country into war against Iraq are alive and well and spreading money. Traditional conservatives no longer hold sway. After the 2020 Election, several expressed concern for the safety of their families after receiving threats against their lives.
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