Trump announces running in 2024

Running in 2024? Praise God!!!
What's funny is that the RNC will try to tell us he isn't electable, or that no one wants him to run. I'll wager that tens of millions will disagree and will vehemently support him. Thus endeth the Republican party. Good riddance.
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What about the large number of people who aren’t Trump “supporters” but who would still vote for a box of rocks before Harris/Biden (at least the box of rocks has a higher IQ)
Yeppers, those that voted for Biden, I hope they have gotten what they deserve. A box of rocks.
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If you truly believe what you just wrote, you wouldn't have that BLM avi. By it's very existence, you are advocating more importance to those lives than ALL lives. Fae it. You are a racist.

If I put up a White Lives Matter avi... it would immediately be condemned as racist. Prove me wrong.

I could sit here and make a TON of dumb baseless assumptions based off your fake trump avi.
Also, context matters.
That was easy 🤷‍♂️
What's funny is that the RNC will try to tell us he isn't electable, or that no one wants him to run. I'll wager that tens of millions will disagree and will vehemently support him. Thus endeth the Republican party. Good riddance.
If you lose to Joe Biden you aren't electable. It means anyone could beat you. Except Hillary. Three worst candidates in history by order:


And here we are.
If you lose to Joe Biden you aren't electable. It means anyone could beat you. Except Hillary. Three worst candidates in history by order:


And here we are.
Trump isn't electable because the RNC says so. I would say a significant number of the Republican base would disagree with that statement. But they don't matter because Trump crapped in the RNC's mess kit and they don't like it, therefore they will not support him. Just like the MSM, they wanted him out, and got their wish. If nothing else, Mr Trump exposed that all the slimy weasels that infest our federal government are cut from the same cloth. They are ALL the same.

Yeah, here we are... re-entering agreements that put America in a subservient position to woke European governments that don't give a **** about anything other than our money. Re-entering support of blatantly corrupt organizations like WHO. Opening our borders... and Trump was the problem. right.

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