Trump announces running in 2024

I have some liberals friends that are pushing for impeachment because they think Trump should never be allowed to run again. As I told them, it isn’t up to the government or the media to decide who runs and who doesn’t. If Trump runs again then the people need to decide but if you take the right to choose away from the people then we have no country anymore. Dems won, Trump is out of office. They should take the win and move on. If he runs again then just beat him again. It’s that simple.

Who do you think it is up to, you? We are a nation of laws, and the law gives the Senate authority to bar impeached and convicted individuals from holding office again. It can become part of the conviction, like convicted felons losing the right to vote.
Who do you think it is up to, you? We are a nation of laws, and the law gives the Senate authority to bar impeached and convicted individuals from holding office again. It can become part of the conviction, like convicted felons losing the right to vote.
The Senate has no authority over a private citizen. Period.
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Who do you think it is up to, you? We are a nation of laws, and the law gives the Senate authority to bar impeached and convicted individuals from holding office again. It can become part of the conviction, like convicted felons losing the right to vote.
And yes it is up to me. And you. All of us. It isn’t up to the Senate to decide who gets to run for office and who doesn’t.
I used to think that quarterbacks get too much credit and too much blame until I watched Guarantano throw 35 interceptions in one game.
It’s still true. Look how Trask played when his top WRs were out. It’s a team sport. QB has more impact than any other player for sure but the QB still gets too much credit and blame.
Yes, they can. They should. The only question is will they?
They claim they want unity but they don’t. Dems are perfectly happy dividing even further. You interpret the Constitution and I interpret it another way so we will just have to disagree on that. But why should they convict Trump? Convict him of what exactly? The attack on the Capitol was planned days before his speech and started before he ever said the word “fight” which Dems seem to be think was a call for violence. Trump never said people should commit violence or destroy property. In fact he specifically said they should peacefully protest. There’s no court of law that would convict him of insurrection or inciting insurrection. I know the legal standards in impeachment aren’t the same but Dems are the ones using those words so there should be consistency with how the legal system defines and applies those terms. And if we are going to say his words over time is what drove these people to such actions then how about we go back to the words of Dems talking about the 2016 election being rigged, calling to harass Reps, fanning the flames of racial injustice, or even actions such as bailing out people that committed crimes. You can’t hold Trump accountable without holding those Dems accountable if consistency means anything at all. But of course we all know it doesn’t to liberals, to politicians in general actually.
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Yes sir, let’s do it!

BREAKING: It's Official! Trump is running in 2024..."I'll see you in 4 years"

By Alice Palmer,
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Trump officially confirmed that he's running for office again in 2024 and launched an official fundraiser which is actually giving away a 'first come first served' special gift to all Americans as a token of his appreciation for their loyalty and support.

(Washington, D.C.) – The Trump team just announced his new Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign that also serves as a fundraiser which will provide all Americans with free "immunity boosting" supplements.

Officials say the Trump administration is conducting the fundraiser, known as the Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign to raise funds for the 2024 elections which can cost hundreds of millions.

The reason why they are providing Americans with free "immunity boosting" supplements is because a "more severe" coronavirus variant is expected to arrive in the US this year.

Sean Hannity
"It's completely free. All you have to do is pay for shipping, which is a couple of dollars, and you can have a safe, non-prescription, pain remedy to treat arthritis, chronic pain, joint aches, inflammations & other ailments including immunity support. Every time someone supports, the shipping and handling proceeds will be donated to President Trump's Official Re-Election 2024 Campaign. We don't have the support of giant corporations or rich celebrities like the Democrats do, but we have the support of everyday hard working Americans."

Twitter has like a 280-character limit and Trump is banned. How did you think this tweet was real?
I'm hoping Nikki Haley gets the promo soon. Everything everyone says needs to be elected as a first, and republican. Personally, I think she should be their front runner. And make the Hawaiian change sides and be her running mate. I'd vote just to see that white suit.
I'm no math surgeon but is a 1,000 the same as 50,000?

Well, to be fair - Mexico was behind on the installments.

As someone who hates the environment, this made me sick too.

I stopped caring after the first few words.

Do the "assault" rifles know this yet? Imma nee a source that doesn't include 4chan in the link.
That was the first day. The ripple effect will bring on thousands more. Opinions are like Septic Systems........everybody has one.
Twitter has like a 280-character limit and Trump is banned. How did you think this tweet was real?
The link was a bigger hint.

But plenty of ways to get around the 280. Easiest just to take a snap shot of what you want posted that's over 280.

A picture is worth a thousand words could be quiet literal here.
You’re proof that we have a very long way to go in this country until all lives matter.
You are old though, and trump did lose by over 7 million votes so I have that 🤷‍♂️
If you truly believe what you just wrote, you wouldn't have that BLM avi. By it's very existence, you are advocating more importance to those lives than ALL lives. Fae it. You are a racist.

If I put up a White Lives Matter avi... it would immediately be condemned as racist. Prove me wrong.

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