I could see two things that could be corruption in his post.... the use of funds for campaign (possibly but weak to me to call that corruption) and maybe if he was pushing foreigners into his businesses but I would have to know what we're talking about in full. The election stuff, depending on what he is accusing Trump of doing would or could be treasonous (I don't believe that but if it were true).
The rest is he doesn't like what Trump does.
Now, I could write quite a few pages on what the Bush family was doing or Hillary. We're talking large scale operations involving dead U.S. citizens, drugs, arms, money laundering, etc. Let alone all the small hood stuff the Bidens were doing.
So... TDS, imo. For the record, I wouldn't call Trump a victim but I certainly couldn't fault someone for using that either. Of course, I wouldn't feel sorry for Hillary but I can list quite an extensively details including the death of U.S. citizens for no reason.
Literally, this guy doesn't see a problem with the CIA, FBI, DNC, media companies, Hillary's campaign manufacturing Russia Gate, that was way before Trump was even elected.
If he actually knew what the Bush family was doing maybe he would have a better understanding of corruption - literally it was a whole business enterprise.