Trump Assassination Attempt(s)

When you look back over the past 4 years, whether it was in regards to covid policies, vaccine injuries or any negative news involving the Biden administration, it is an undeniable fact that Google (and all of big tech) have gotten way to involved with sensoring certain stories and doing their part to shape the narratives and the minds of the people. It is a fact that they sensored facts and opinions if they did not go along with the acceptable narrative that was being pushed by mainstream media.

“Gotten away” should never be mentioned about a news source that isn’t supposed to be bias to half the population. Report facts not opinions. Opinions reported aren’t facts.
Same party kept Robert Kennedy Jr from doing media interviews with legacy media. In 19 months he’s done a combined 4 with CBS, ABC and NBC.
Why would anyone want to hear from him? Third party candidates never get attention that matters from the MSM. Hell Perot paid for his
Why would anyone want to hear from him? Third party candidates never get attention that matters from the MSM. Hell Perot paid for his
Perot got 19% of the votes in 92. Kennedy has benefited his message through Rogan and Fox. Would he win, no. Should he be given more than 4 interviews slots as the only at the time Democrat opponent, yes. Should be he given more time as the on ballot independent, yes.
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Perot got 19% of the votes in 92. Kennedy has benefited his message through Rogan and Fox. Would he win, no. Should he be given more than 4 interviews slots as the only at the time Democrat opponent, yes. Should be he given more time as the on ballot independent, yes.
He should be given that based on what? History says he isn't getting shat for votes. And the below hold true for 80 years outside of Perot

Johnson polled fairly strongly into the fall, with 8%-12% of registered voters routinely saying that they would vote for him or were leaning toward him. But Johnson’s poll numbers began trending downward, and by Election Day his support level was hovering around 5%-6%. Johnson ended up receiving 3.3% of the vote – the 52-year-old Libertarian Party’s best showing in a presidential election to date.

For her part, Stein often received support from 5%-7% of registered voters in polls taken during the spring and summer of 2016. But her support also eroded as the campaign went on, and she eventually received just over 1% of the popular vote – still the party’s best result since Nader in 2000.
Perot got 19% of the votes in 92. Kennedy has benefited his message through Rogan and Fox. Would he win, no. Should he be given more than 4 interviews slots as the only at the time Democrat opponent, yes. Should be he given more time as the on ballot independent, yes.
The reason the MSM doesn't let have time is because they believe he'll pull votes away from the dems. Conversely that's why Fox gives him a stage.
The reason the MSM doesn't let have time is because they believe he'll pull votes away from the dems. Conversely that's why Fox gives him a stage.
Much like Sanders, he was doing interviews until he became a problem. The left/MSM never let Kennedy get going. Kennedy would expose a lot of the lies the current left falls for.
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I didn't get past the 'if you needed more evidence that a deep state group of thugs is running the US government'. What's it say?

Ok I give, who's running the country?? Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Michelle.... tell me WHO IS IN CHARGE right now?

I mean we know Biden isn't competent, your side has said as much so who is it, who's in charge?
Ok I give, who's running the country?? Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Michelle.... tell me WHO IS IN CHARGE right now?

I mean we know Biden isn't competent, your side has said as much so who is it, who's in charge?
What is my side?
Ok I give, who's running the country?? Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Michelle.... tell me WHO IS IN CHARGE right now?

I mean we know Biden isn't competent, your side has said as much so who is it, who's in charge?
How would he know anymore than you?
Ok I give, who's running the country?? Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama, Michelle.... tell me WHO IS IN CHARGE right now?

I mean we know Biden isn't competent, your side has said as much so who is it, who's in charge?

The inner circle of the Council on Foreign Relations.
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Yall seen this yet? WTF??

The secret service leadership 100% was complicit.

Watched it and it shows how stupid the people are who are peddling this crap is.

It is NORMAL for companies to have way out of the money put options against long equity positions. This funds did it (and in much larger terms) for dozens of other investments it held.

I stopped watching after that since I could tell how gullible and misinformed these people are. This had been previously discussed in this thread...
Do we know why FBI Director Wray said this:

"As I said, I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. So it's conceivable, as I sit here right now, I don't know whether that bullet in addition to, you know, causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else. But I believe we've accounted for all of the shots in the cartridges."

Normally all answers are can't say because it is an ongoing investigation. In this case, he lied right out of the gate.
Do we know why FBI Director Wray said this:

"As I said, I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear. So it's conceivable, as I sit here right now, I don't know whether that bullet in addition to, you know, causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else. But I believe we've accounted for all of the shots in the cartridges."

Normally all answers are can't say because it is an ongoing investigation. In this case, he lied right out of the gate.

He's just doing what his dad's buddies tell him to do.
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