Trump Assassination Attempt(s)

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In regards to Google omitting "Trump assassination attempt" from the search engine’s “Autocomplete” feature, I don't think anybody was getting anything different in their search results until after thousands of people made a big deal out of it and Google finally fixed the "glitch"..... I took a screen shot on my phone at 7:40 AM Monday July 29 and the Trump assasination attempt was excluded but 4 hours later it was working. This was after Google said they fixed the "glitch". I got multiple other people to do the same search and they got the exact same results. Like I said in previous post, if Google wishes to act as a publisher or editor, we have to consider removing its Section 230 protections.
It pulled up right up on mine when I tried it that same day everyone said it wasn’t pulling up. I started with Trump, started with assassination and never had to hit the second word before both searches auto completed it. I think Louder is spot on here.
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Maybe he says that about everyone who takes a bullet meant for the persons head and weeks later has a plane malfunction.
So is God’s hand on everybody, or just those that take a bullet and then weeks later suffer a plane malfunction?
I’m familiar.

So again, why then the need for Brandon Tatum to let everyone know “God has his hand on this man”?
I think people say all sorts of things. I question why you question Brandon Tatum. Maybe ask yourself why this particular thing has you questioning some other person’s opinion.

The simple answer is because he can and is exercising his 1st Amendment rights to say what he said.
I think people say all sorts of things. I question why you question Brandon Tatum. Maybe ask yourself why this particular thing has you questioning some other person’s opinion.

The simple answer is because he can and is exercising his 1st Amendment rights to say what he said.
Of course he can say what he wants. Who said otherwise?
I think its perfectly logical to think God has protected Trump from situations that were extremely dangerous and potentially lethal twice in a couple weeks now.

Anyone here would crap their pants if either of those things happened to them...and the vast, overwhelming majority of folks would have ended their presidential run immediately when a snipers bullet missed killing them by an inch. Trump had the balls to get right back on stage in front of a huge crowd less than 48 hours later right? A man who has already been super rich for decades, and has already been President before so he has nothing more to prove to anyone. He showed without a doubt that he has big brass balls.

There are several things which I do not like about Trump...he is far from perfect. The difference between him and literally every member of Biden/Harris team and cabinet is that I would actually let Trump take my kids golfing or to a movie. I wouldnt trust those degenerate socialists that think women have penises and men give birth to keep an eye on anyone I care about for 30 seconds so I could run to a urinal and piss. In a public restaurant. The Dimwit wing of the Uniparty has longsince shown that they have no morals...much less a moral compass that governs their decisions.
I have no clue. You asked why he “needed” to say it. I was questioning why you questioned it.

People say all sorts of things. That nice that we have that ability unlike other places.
I asked why he needed to tell others “God’s hand is on this man” if it is self evident that God’s hand is on every man.
I asked why he needed to tell others “God’s hand is on this man” if it is self evident that God’s hand is on every man.
The question is, why are you questioning this? I have 2 kids. But sometimes I talk about them individually. Wild concept huh?

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