Trump Assassination Attempt(s)

What evidence do you have that Trump and Putin are good buddies and that Trump is compromised??? None!!! But you have no problem speculating on that issue.

Trump, himself, says he and Putin are friends. Have you not been paying attention?

What evidence do you have the pee tapes exist? None but you had no issue running with that story.

Something motivates Trump to favor Putin so much over our NATO interests. Blackmail? Money? Putin has figured out how to appeal to Trump's narcissism?

Pick your poison.

What evidence do you have that Melania hates her husband? None.

It is admittedly circumstantial. But its very strong circumstantial evidence.

Every few weeks you start some insanely idiotic F the GOP and F Trump thread that’s based on pure speculation.

Anti Trump, yes, but not anti GOP. I have voted for Republicans. I would have voted for GOP Hogan over Harris and would have had to give thought to Haley over Harris, too.

You only want to slow down, pause, and “wait for the facts” when it serves your political agenda.

We all ought to do better, in that regard, myself included.

Everyone sees that but you. There is plenty of evidence for that fact.

Again, we all ought to do better. Including myself.
Trump, himself, says he and Putin are friends. Have you not been paying attention?

Something motivates Trump to favor Putin so much over our NATO interests. Blackmail? Money? Putin has figured out how to appeal to Trump's narcissism?

Pick your poison.

It is admittedly circumstantial. But its very strong circumstantial evidence.

Anti Trump, yes, but not anti GOP. I have voted for Republicans. I would have voted for GOP Hogan over Harris and would have had to give thought to Haley over Harris, too.

We all ought to do better, in that regard, myself included.

Again, we all ought to do better. Including myself.

Why shouldn't he be friends with Putin?

The Russia, Russia, Russia thing ran its course a long time ago. Pretty soon you're going to be questioning why everyone isn't wearing a mask.

The people you voted for, which you lied about on this forum.... ran the silly Russia thing so that lunatics could believe it. (Hint)
Why shouldn't he be friends with Putin?

The Russia, Russia, Russia thing ran its course a long time ago. Pretty soon you're going to be questioning why everyone isn't wearing a mask.

The people you voted for, which you lied about on this forum.... ran the silly Russia thing so that lunatics could believe it. (Hint)
But he never addresses "10% for the big guy". China is infinitely more danger to the US than Russia.
But he never addresses "10% for the big guy". China is infinitely more danger to the US than Russia.
Joe Biden & some democrats are paid ($$) off by China to do their bidding in America. It took hours B4 Biden ordered the spy balloon to be shot down ... he didn't want to upset Xi.
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Trump, himself, says he and Putin are friends. Have you not been paying attention?

Something motivates Trump to favor Putin so much over our NATO interests. Blackmail? Money? Putin has figured out how to appeal to Trump's narcissism?

Pick your poison.

It is admittedly circumstantial. But its very strong circumstantial evidence.

Anti Trump, yes, but not anti GOP. I have voted for Republicans. I would have voted for GOP Hogan over Harris and would have had to give thought to Haley over Harris, too.

We all ought to do better, in that regard, myself included.

Again, we all ought to do better. Including myself.

What motivates Joe and junior to favor Ukraine? 🏦 💰 💴 💵
Got evidence of this?

I'm actually very confused as he is talking about blackmail and such, but isn't that what the United States is doing to NATO countries? I.E. you will do what we want or you will be sanctioned like Russia?

So, he is now concerned about NATO being hurt by I guess Russia blackmailing Trump, but the reality is.... the United States is already hurting Europe i.e. NATO countries through blackmail.

I'm so confused.
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Incorrect. I said I wanted to see the evidence on it before forming a judgment.

At this point, there is certainly evidence that he was politically motivated and that he was repeating a lot of the anti-Trump rhetoric out there.

There is also evidence he was keenly interested in the plight of Ukraine and worried about Trump abandoning them. Now, that is part and parcel of the anti-Trump movement, but its not based solely in rhetoric from the anti-Trump camp since Trump, himself, has made more than a few comments saying he is not going to continue the status quo on funding or arms for Ukraine. So, its not as easily traceable, if you will, to simply the anti-Trump contingent.

What role, if any, do you ascribe to Republicans who have used similar rhetoric against Trump?
Don’t pull a muscle attempting to make excuses and explain an attempted murderer.

If Obama had a couple assassination attempts BLM would burn liberal cities down
Ryan Wesley Routh, the man named as the suspect in a possible assassination attempt at Donald Trump's Florida golf club, urged Iran to kill the former president in a book he self-published last year.

In 'Ukraine's Unwinnable War,' he said he had made a terrible mistake in once voting for Trump, whom he described as a 'buffoon'

'I must take part of the blame for the retarded child we elected for our next president that ended up being brainless, but I am man enough to say that I misjudged and made a terrible mistake and Iran I apologize,' he said, after berating the former president for abandoning the nuclear deal with Tehran.

'You are free to assassinate Trump as well as me for that error in judgment and the dismantling of the deal.

The e-book is still available on Amazon for $2.99.

Heck, I'm still trying to figure out why they told me my whole life I should hate Russia and now a good portion of my life I should hate Putin. Russia government didn't plan to overthrow a President Elect and President.... Obama, Biden, Hillary, Congress, DOJ, FBI, CIA, media, DNC, RNC, etc did.

Empires collapse from within.... a Republic "if you can keep it".

Russia, Russia, Russia in 2024 is so loony only a LG could promote it.
Help me out, what president elect did Obama attempt to overthrow?
Trump said Putin was a "genius" and "pretty savvy" when he invaded Ukraine.


Trump in the debate last week again claimed he can end the war immediately, or even before he takes office, which is insane because Russia occupies about 20 % of Ukraine right now and Zelensky says no deal will be made which allows Russia to keep any of that.
You believe Trump on every thing he says. You're too gullible. Once he's back in Office, it'll take time for Trump to do things to get things done. It's not like he'll just snap his fingers & poof it's done.
You believe Trump on every thing he says. You're too gullible. Once he's back in Office, it'll take time for Trump to do things to get things done. It's not like he'll just snap his fingers & poof it's done.

Then why does he keep saying that he will do that in poof, its done, fashion? Its not like he said that once. He has said that numerous times.
Oh I think the biggest threat to our democracy are the ones that have weopnized the justice system to go after political foes. The ones that spy on political opponents using fake evidence to obtain warrants. Using federal agencies to squash damaging evidence against their leaders. The party that controls 99% of the media both social and news. I think the biggest threat comes from the party that wants to censor free speech. The ones that want to take away the right to keep and bear arms. The modern democratic party is the biggest threat democracy over any foreign entity.


The Dimwit party also has us on the cusp of WW3...and if Putin started launching nuclear weapons tomorrow it would be 100% the U.S. fault. We have boots on the ground RIGHT NOW directing forces that use OUR weapons to attack targets inside Russia proper.

Right. Now.

That is an act of war...has always been an act of war...and attacking the home soil of another nation with YOUR troops AND weapons will always be an act of war. In fact, it is the very definition of a "shooting war". It is completely unconstitutional, since Congress has NOT declared war on Russia...because Russia has not attacked the US, a NATO member etc.

Putin has every justification to have ICBMs headed toward our largest cities, the Capitol, and anywhere else they feel like erasing because you can bet your azzes that if Russian troops were right across the border in Mexico, arming them with the best weapons of war, intelligence, and coordinating attacks inside the USA...we would have long since declared war on them and kicked off WW3 with overwhelming death and destruction.

The Socialist, Globalist Democrats are the single greatest threat to this nation at least since the Civil War. They will absolutely destroy this nation in one way or another if not kept in check. Its a spiritual war...good versus evil. We need to wake up as a people before its too late.
Help me out, what president elect did Obama attempt to overthrow?

All the Russia Gate against Trump stuff was done under Obama's administration i.e. DOJ, FBI, CIA, etc. All the illegal warrants and wiretaps were all done under Obama. Of course, he was murdering Americans before that and nobody care so... what's the big deal? This was done as a Presidential candidate, a party nominee, President-elect and President.

The Dimwit party also has us on the cusp of WW3...and if Putin started launching nuclear weapons tomorrow it would be 100% the U.S. fault. We have boots on the ground RIGHT NOW directing forces that use OUR weapons to attack targets inside Russia proper.

Right. Now.

That is an act of war...has always been an act of war...and attacking the home soil of another nation with YOUR troops AND weapons will always be an act of war. In fact, it is the very definition of a "shooting war". It is completely unconstitutional, since Congress has NOT declared war on Russia...because Russia has not attacked the US, a NATO member etc.

Putin has every justification to have ICBMs headed toward our largest cities, the Capitol, and anywhere else they feel like erasing because you can bet your azzes that if Russian troops were right across the border in Mexico, arming them with the best weapons of war, intelligence, and coordinating attacks inside the USA...we would have long since declared war on them and kicked off WW3 with overwhelming death and destruction.

The Socialist, Globalist Democrats are the single greatest threat to this nation at least since the Civil War. They will absolutely destroy this nation in one way or another if not kept in check. Its a spiritual war...good versus evil. We need to wake up as a people before its too late.
They want a war to happen to influence the election.

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