Trump Assassination Attempt(s)

You don’t hate the media enough! They know this guy is a far left democrat lunatic. They just don’t want to report the truth.

These are the same people that reported a “Runaway SUV” killed all those people in Wisconsin. They didn’t like that a black man committed the crime so they framed it as if the SUV was at fault.
I am biased against Trump because I think he's an awful person and a menace to stability and progress in the country. What he did on 1/6, alone, is disqualifying.

I've never said otherwise.

As to the shooter's motives, it's going to be hard to distinguish between general anti-Trump rhetoric and Trump's own statements against the effort to help Ukraine.
There can only be one @luthervol .
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It’s almost as if this guy COMPLETELY disagrees with every post you spewed yesterday and this morning.

Incorrect. I said I wanted to see the evidence on it before forming a judgment.

At this point, there is certainly evidence that he was politically motivated and that he was repeating a lot of the anti-Trump rhetoric out there.

There is also evidence he was keenly interested in the plight of Ukraine and worried about Trump abandoning them. Now, that is part and parcel of the anti-Trump movement, but its not based solely in rhetoric from the anti-Trump camp since Trump, himself, has made more than a few comments saying he is not going to continue the status quo on funding or arms for Ukraine. So, its not as easily traceable, if you will, to simply the anti-Trump contingent.

What role, if any, do you ascribe to Republicans who have used similar rhetoric against Trump?
Incorrect. I said I wanted to see the evidence on it before forming a judgment.

At this point, there is certainly evidence that he was politically motivated and that he was repeating a lot of the anti-Trump rhetoric out there.

There is also evidence he was keenly interested in the plight of Ukraine and worried about Trump abandoning them. Now, that is part and parcel of the anti-Trump movement, but its not based solely in rhetoric from the anti-Trump camp since Trump, himself, has made more than a few comments saying he is not going to continue the status quo on funding or arms for Ukraine. So, its not as easily traceable, if you will, to simply the anti-Trump contingent.

What role, if any, do you ascribe to Republicans who have used similar rhetoric against Trump?
Incorrect. I said I wanted to see the evidence on it before forming a judgment.

At this point, there is certainly evidence that he was politically motivated and that he was repeating a lot of the anti-Trump rhetoric out there.

There is also evidence he was keenly interested in the plight of Ukraine and worried about Trump abandoning them. Now, that is part and parcel of the anti-Trump movement, but its not based solely in rhetoric from the anti-Trump camp since Trump, himself, has made more than a few comments saying he is not going to continue the status quo on funding or arms for Ukraine. So, its not as easily traceable, if you will, to simply the anti-Trump contingent.

What role, if any, do you ascribe to Republicans who have used similar rhetoric against Trump?
What evidence do you have that Trump and Putin are good buddies and that Trump is compromised??? None!!! But you have no problem speculating on that issue.

What evidence do you have the pee tapes exist? None but you had no issue running with that story.

What evidence do you have that Melania hates her husband? None.

Every few weeks you start some insanely idiotic F the GOP and F Trump thread that’s based on pure speculation.

You only want to slow down, pause, and “wait for the facts” when it serves your political agenda.

Everyone sees that but you. There is plenty of evidence for that fact.
Find me the quote then. Back up your claim. Where did he say that?
He’s talking about the Vance interview with Dana Bash. He’s completely taking what Vance said out of context though. Don’t feel bad Dana did the same thing while Vance wiped the floor with her. Basically Vance was saying they had to write the stories for the media for them to actually report on situations like Springfield Ohio.
What evidence do you have that Trump and Putin are good buddies and that Trump is compromised??? None!!! But you have no problem speculating on that issue.

What evidence do you have the pee tapes exist? None but you had no issue running with that story.

What evidence do you have that Melania hates her husband? None.

Every few weeks you start some insanely idiotic F the GOP and F Trump thread that’s based on pure speculation.

You only want to slow down, pause, and “wait for the facts” when it serves your political agenda.

Everyone sees that but you. There is plenty of evidence for that fact.

Heck, I'm still trying to figure out why they told me my whole life I should hate Russia and now a good portion of my life I should hate Putin. Russia government didn't plan to overthrow a President Elect and President.... Obama, Biden, Hillary, Congress, DOJ, FBI, CIA, media, DNC, RNC, etc did.

Empires collapse from within.... a Republic "if you can keep it".

Russia, Russia, Russia in 2024 is so loony only a LG could promote it.

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