Trump at least 99 percent sure to run: good or bad for nation, GOP?

First, like I said, I think the Dems have to yield and let Harris have her turn. Would make too many constituencies mad if they did not give her the nod.

Second, I don't particularly like Buttigieg. He is well spoken and seems to be a moderate and is certainly not your typical bomb thrower these days. But he lacks specifics.

Speaking in generalities is as bad right now as just insulting people to delight your base.

Enough of both, already.
"Lacks specifics"? Pete had white papers for damn near everything you can think of. If you think Pete was "lacking specifics" you either ignored him or weren't paying attention.
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The Republican party abandoned fiscal common sense in 1980. As Reagan chided Carter for a $79 billion deficit, the party operatives who would govern planned for a perpetual imbalance of revenues falling short of expenditures. The focus was on tax policy and promoting the concentration of wealth. "Trickle down" was the lead-into-gold nonsense they sold to the American people. Alas, the strategy was a winning one. Lifelong fiscally conservative Republicans folded for "unity" and the political power they would exercise for better and worse these past four decades.

In their 2020 convention, Republicans nominated Trump for reelection. They did not bother to make a platform. That should alarm all Americans. That it didn't should motivate those who are alarmed to reset. It is time to step up and fight for the soul of the party. It's time to get messy. Republicans can reunify when they have a platform that can be pitched to the American people. If all the Republicans offer in 2022 is Trump and white resentment, the party will fade. Militant factions will proliferate. Some other voice of middle-American conservatism will need to rise and vie for the hearts and minds of voters.
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